Paleolandschap en archeologie in de zuidelijke/centrale Noordzee (ruimere Brown Bank regio) |
Period: 2018 till 2022 Status: Completed
Institutes (5) |
Top |
- Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ), more
- Universiteit Gent (UGent), more
- University of Bradford, more
- TNO Geological Survey of the Netherlands, more
- Deltares, more
Abstract |
The main goal of the Deep History project is a reconstruction of the late Quaternary palaeolandscape in the southern North Sea (palaeo-fluvial system, proglacial lake, Holocene drowning) and the relation to possible prehistoric human occupation. In April 2018 and May 2019 two seismic surveys (on RV Belgica) were carried out in the larger Brown Bank area which resulted in a unique dataset of unprecedented quality. Targeted sampling in May 2019 resulted in the discovery of old prehistoric landsurfaces, among others a forest, as well as several pieces of worked flint. In September 2019 a first vibrocore campaign is foreseen with RV Simon Stevin during which shallow cores will be obtained on well-chosen locations. |