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Source to Seas – Zero Pollution 2030

Funder identifier: 101060213 (EU contract id)
Principal funding codes: 3858 - Horizon Europe - Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment
Acronym: SOS-ZEROPOL2023
Period: August 2022 till August 2026
Status: In Progress

Thesaurus terms Environment policy; Marine pollution; Marine pollution; Multilevel governance not elsewhere classified; Social behaviour and social action
 Institutes | Publications 

Institutes (8)  Top | Publications 


Source to Seas - Zero Pollution 2030 (SOS-ZEROPOL2030) overall aim is to develop a holistic zero pollution framework which can guide the process towards achieving zero pollution in European seas by 2030. Marine contamination (incl. pollution) occurs as a direct result of human activities on both; land and in the marine environment; and requires urgent attention as healthy and clean seas provide numerous ecosystem services (e.g. food, oxygen production, climate regulation), which are critical for our survival and wellbeing. Given the complex and interconnected nature of marine pollution, the integration of sustainability-focused agendas and circular economy principles and practices is essential for the development of effective actions that can address its impacts. The implementation of processes and measures to reduce marine pollution will have consequences for numerous economic sectors (e.g. agriculture, fisheries, food and beverage industry, waste management, packaging industry, tourism, offshore energy) at multiple scales (local, national, regional and international), framing marine pollution as a considerable global socio-economic challenge that requires active collaboration from multiple stakeholders, across a range of geographic areas. In this context SOS-ZEROPOL2030 aims to co-design, co-produce, and co-deliver a stakeholder led European Seas zero-pollution framework that provides practical guidance from source to sea addressing  shortcomings in marine pollution management. This holistic approach is based on best practice, puts emphasis on behaviour, socio-economics and governance; and is underpinned in knowledge about and understanding of current barriers to effective and efficient prevention, reduction, mitigation and monitoring of marine pollution in European Seas.

Publications (11)  Top | Institutes 
  • Maes, T.; Wienrich, N.; Weiand, L.; Cowan, E. (2023). A little less conversation: How existing governance can strengthen the future global plastics treaty. Cambridge Prisms: Plastics 1: e22., more
  • Maes, T.; Preston-Whyte, F.; Lavelle, S.; Gomiero, A.; Booth, A.M.; Belzunce-Segarra, M.J.; Bellas, J.; Brooks, S.; Bakir, A.; Devriese, L.; Pham, C.K.; De Witte, B. (2023). A recipe for plastic: Expert insights on plastic additives in the marine environment. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 196: 115633., more
  • Sørensen, L.; Farkas, J.; Beathe Øverjordet, I.; Hansen, B.H. (2023). In situ biomonitoring using caged lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) eggs reveal plastic and rubber associated chemicals in a harbour area in Central Norway. J. Toxicol. Environ. Health. Part A 86(12): 397-403., more
  • Hägg, F.; Herzke, D.; Nikiforov, V.; Booth, A.M.; Sperre, K.H.; Sørensen, L.; Creese, M.E.; Halsband, C. (2023). Ingestion of car tire crumb rubber and uptake of associated chemicals by lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus). Frontiers in Environmental Science 11: 1219248., more
  • Sørensen, L.; Gerace, M.H.; Booth, A.M. (2024). Small micro- and nanoplastic test and reference materials for research: Current status and future needs. Cambridge Prisms: Plastics 2: e13., more
  • Rondelez, J.; Sandra, M.; Devriese, L, (2023). SOS-ZEROPOL2030: D1.5 Data Management Plan. Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ): Oostende. 7 pp., more
  • van Leeuwen, J.; Van Hulst, F.; Del Savio, L.; Yeatman Omarsdottir, S.; Miño, C.; Hendriksen, A.; Cowan, E.; Boteler, B.; Devriese, L. (2023). SOS-ZEROPOL2030: D2.2 The EU Governance Landscape for Zero Marine Pollution; Overview of the existing EU governance arrangements and the best practices and constraints of governance efforts to achieve zero marine pollution. SOS-ZEROPOL2030: Cork. 93 pp., more
  • Devriese, L.; Verleye, T.; Boteler, B.; Del Savio, L.; Miño, C.; Sandra, M.; Molenveld, K.; Dozier, A.; Maes, T.; Vlachogianni, T.; Kopke, K. (2023). SOS-Zeropol2030: Deliverable D2.1 ‘The EU Zero Pollution Ambition'. [S.n.]: [s.l.]. 79 + annexes pp., more
  • Ruhl, R.; Blaauw, R.; Thoden van Velzen, U.; Sørensen, L.; Booth, A. (2023). SOS-ZEROPOL2030: M4.1 Assessment of primary emissions: per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and Tyre Wear Particles (TWPs). Wageningen Research /SINTEF Ocean: Wageningen. 50 pp., more
  • Brander, S.M.; Senathirajah, K.; Fernandez, M.O.; Weis, J.S.; Kumar, E.; Jahnke, A.; Hartmann, N.B.; Alava, J.J.; Farrelly, T.; Almroth, B.C.; Groh, K.J.; Syberg, K.; Buerkert, J.S.; Abeynayaka, A.; Booth, A.M.; Cousin, X.; Herzke, D.; Monclús, L.; Morales-Caselles, C.; Bonisoli-Alquati, A.; Al-jaibachi, R.; Wagner, M. (2024). The time for ambitious action is now: Science-based recommendations for plastic chemicals to inform an effective global plastic treaty. Sci. Total Environ. 949: 174881., more
  • Mitrano, D.M.; Bigalke, M.; Booth, A.M.; Carteny, C.C.; Coffin, S.; Egger, M.; Gondikas, A.; Hüffer, T.; Koelmans, A.A.; Lahive, E.; Mattsson, K.; Reynaud, S.; Wagner, S. (2023). Training the next generation of plastics pollution researchers: tools, skills and career perspectives in an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary field. Microplastics and Nanoplastics 3(1): 24., more

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