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Elastisch gelijkvormige modellen van waterbouwkundige constructies Kolkman, P.A. (1967). Elastisch gelijkvormige modellen van waterbouwkundige constructies. Publication. Delft Hydraulics Laboratory = Publikatie - Waterloopkundig Laboratorium, 49. Waterloopkundig Laboratorium = Delft Hydraulics Laboratory: Delft. 9 pp.
Deel van: Publication. Delft Hydraulics Laboratory = Publikatie - Waterloopkundig Laboratorium. Delft Hydraulics Laboratory: Delft. ISSN 0166-7521
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Structures > Hydraulic structures |
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Abstract |
Reproduction laws for flow models and for elastic models are derived, and the possibilities for combining the two are shown. The use of elastic models combined with free surface flow and wave motion leads to compromises between elasticity, fluid velocities and geometrical conformity in the elastic model. The verification measurements on the 50 m span gate of the Hagestein weir affirm the reliability of the technique, but show also an important influence of details as seals etc. on the elasticity and damping of the structure. Other applications of elastic models of hydraulic structures are shown. |
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