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one publication added to basket [209267] |
Strong heat flow variability in an active shallow gas environment, Dnepr palaeo-delta, Black Sea
Poort, J.; Kutas, R. I.; Klerkx, J.; Beaubien, S.E.; Lombardi, S.; Dimitrov, L.; Vassilev, A.; Naudts, L. (2007). Strong heat flow variability in an active shallow gas environment, Dnepr palaeo-delta, Black Sea. Geo-Mar. Lett. 27(2-4): 185-195. dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00367-007-0072-4
In: Geo-Marine Letters. Springer: Heidelberg; Berlin. ISSN 0276-0460; e-ISSN 1432-1157
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Beschikbaar in | Auteurs |
Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee: Open Marine Archive 280255 [ download pdf ]
Auteurs | | Top |
- Poort, J.
- Kutas, R. I.
- Klerkx, J.
- Beaubien, S.E.
- Lombardi, S.
- Dimitrov, L.
- Vassilev, A.
- Naudts, L.
Abstract |
The Dnepr palaeo-delta on the north-western continental slope of the Black Sea is a prolific seepage zone characterised by a highly variable heat flow ranging from 24 to 88 mW/m2. New thermal data were collected at 33 closely spaced stations in order to better understand the apparent relation between heat flow variability and seepage features. Strong relief gradients and associated landslide shaping may explain first-order heat flow variability but, locally, thermal parameters appear to be controlled by fluid and gas migrations. High heat flow anomalies are found at sites where faults and diapirs offer pathways for warm fluid flow from deeper sedimentary levels. Low heat flow is most strongly expressed at ridge crests near seepage sites but is also found where seeps are absent. Reduced heat flow and nonlinear temperature-depth variations are interpreted to result from natural or induced gas ebullition of saturated shallow gas covered by a thin, relatively impermeable sedimentary seal. The presence of sealed gas pockets, in particular at ridge crests, is supported by methane pore-water analysis and a shallow gas front widely observed in the study area. |
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