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Modelling of fine-grained sediment transport and dredging material dumpings at the Belgian Continental Shelf
Van den Eynde, D.; Fettweis, M. (2006). Modelling of fine-grained sediment transport and dredging material dumpings at the Belgian Continental Shelf. J. Coast. Res. 39: 1564-1569
In: Journal of Coastal Research. Coastal Education and Research Foundation: Fort Lauderdale. ISSN 0749-0208; e-ISSN 1551-5036
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Beschikbaar in | Auteurs |
Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee: Open Marine Archive 230857 [ download pdf ]
Author keywords |
sediment transport modelling; cohesive sediments; dredging; dumping; |
Auteurs | | Top |
- Van den Eynde, D.
- Fettweis, M.
Abstract |
The Belgian coastal zone is shallow, well mixed and has a high hydrodynamic energy. In the coastal zone a turbidity maximum occurs, which is responsible for high dredging amounts. Every year about 10x106 ton dry matter (TDM) is dredged for the maintenance of the harbours and the navigation channels. After dumping the matter is transported in suspension. The amount of maintenance dredging works is depending on the local hydrodynamic conditions and of the natural sediment transport as well as the amount and frequency of the dumping and dredging works. In order to estimate the efficiency of the dumping sites the natural cohesive sediment transport has to be known. Numerical models can be used to simulate this natural sediment transport. The uncertainties or variability of the sediment transport measurement data are high, in contrast with the dredging and dumping data, which are well known. The natural sediment transport is partly formed by the continuous erosion and deposition during a tide, a neap-spring cycle and during storms. This article will focus on the results of numerical simulations of the sediment transport. In particular the natural sediment transport of mud, the effect of dumping of dredged matter and the efficiency of the dumping sites will be discussed. This discussion is preceded by an overview of the physical situation (hydrodynamics, sediment transport, dredging and dumping data) and a description of the numerical models used (hydrodynamic model, wave model and sediment transport model). |
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