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Influence of harbour construction on mud accumulation in the Scheldt estuary Wartel, S.; Chen, M.; van Eck, G.Th.M.; van Maldegem, D. (2007). Influence of harbour construction on mud accumulation in the Scheldt estuary. Aquat. ecosyst. health manag. 10(1): 107-115. dx.doi.org/10.1080/14634980701194001
In: Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management. Taylor and Francis: Oxford. ISSN 1463-4988; e-ISSN 1539-4077
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Trefwoorden |
Sediments > Clastics > Mud Brak water; Zoet water |
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Abstract |
The mud stock in the river channel decreased over the years because of a decreasing mud supply from the river The mud stock in the fiver channel shows variations that are directly related to fluctuations in the river load. When the suspended matter decreased during a certain year the supply of silt and clay particles decreased correspondingly and the resuspension-deposition mechanism caused a relative increase of the sand fraction in the bottom sediments in that year |
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