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Wave forces on piles in relation to wave energy spectra Paape, A. (1969). Wave forces on piles in relation to wave energy spectra. Publication. Delft Hydraulics Laboratory = Publikatie - Waterloopkundig Laboratorium, 69. Waterloopkundig Laboratorium = Delft Hydraulics Laboratory: Delft. 14 pp.
Deel van: Publication. Delft Hydraulics Laboratory = Publikatie - Waterloopkundig Laboratorium. Delft Hydraulics Laboratory: Delft. ISSN 0166-7521
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Foundations > Piles Wave energy spectra Marien/Kust |
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Abstract |
Experiments have been performed with irregular waves to investigate wave forces, more particularly to study the influence of the energy density spectrum of the waves. Within the range of conditions in the experiments, the wave motion is sufficiently characterized by its energy and the frequency (or wave period) at which the energy density is maximum to determine the probability distribution of wave forces. |
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