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Fish passage solutions in the upper Scheldt: restrictions and possibilities Vereecken, H.; Viaene, P.; Meersschaut, Y.; Mostaert, F.; Verbiest, H.; De Charleroy, D.; De Nayer, B. (2004). Fish passage solutions in the upper Scheldt: restrictions and possibilities, in: de Jalón Lastra, D.G. et al. Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Ecohydraulics. Aquatic Habitats: Analysis & Restoration, September 12-17, 2004, Madrid, Spain. IAHR Congress Proceedings, : pp. 1009-1013
In: de Jalón Lastra, D.G.; Vizcaíno Martinez, P. (Ed.) (2004). Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Ecohydraulics. Aquatic Habitats: Analysis & Restoration, September 12-17, 2004, Madrid, Spain. IAHR Congress Proceedings. IAHR = AIRH: Madrid. ISBN 90-805649-7-4. Vol. 1 (1-751); Vol. 2 (755-1453) + cd-rom pp.
In: IAHR Congress Proceedings. The Institution of Engineers: Barton. ISSN 0074-1477
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Documenttype: Congresbijdrage |
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Fauna > Aquatic organisms > Aquatic animals > Fish Guiding devices > Fishways België, Bovenschelde [Marine Regions] Zoet water |
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