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Stability and transmission at low-crested structures van der Meer, J.W. (1991). Stability and transmission at low-crested structures. Publications - Delft Hydraulics, 453. Delft Hydraulics Laboratory: Delft. 33 pp.
Deel van: Publications - Delft Hydraulics. Delft Hydraulics: Delft. ISSN 0923-9022
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Abstract |
Low-crested structures can be classified into three categories: dynamically stable reef breakwaters, statically stable low-crested structures with the crest above swl and statically stable submerged structures. Well described investigations on stability at various institutes (in total about 275 tests) were re-analysed and this has led to practical design formulae and graphs, with respect to stability, for each of the three classes mentioned above. furthermore, existing data on wave transmission have been supplemented by recent model experiments. The results have been analysed, and formulae were developed to predict wave transmission over low-crested rubble mound structures. |
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