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Three-dimensional local scour in non-cohesive sediments Van der Meulen, T.; Vinjé, J.J. (1977). Three-dimensional local scour in non-cohesive sediments. Publication. Delft Hydraulics Laboratory = Publikatie - Waterloopkundig Laboratorium, 180. Delft Hydraulics Laboratory: Delft. 12 pp.
Deel van: Publication. Delft Hydraulics Laboratory = Publikatie - Waterloopkundig Laboratorium. Delft Hydraulics Laboratory: Delft. ISSN 0166-7521
Beschikbaar in | Auteurs |
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Documenttype: Congresbijdrage |
Trefwoorden |
Stream scour > Stream erosion > Channel erosion > Water erosion > Scour |
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Abstract |
Geometry, dam-height, length and roughness of bottom protection, flow velocity and density of sediments were varied. A relationship for the time-scale was derived. somewhat similar to that for two-dimensional scour. For practical cases the scour has to be determined for a number of longitudinal sections which have each a different time-scale. Restrictions of the results like permanent flow and neglect ion of upstream material supply can be tackled with additional computation methods. |
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