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Documenttype: Projectrapport |
Trefwoorden |
Environments > Aquatic environment > Marine environment > Intertidal environment Hydraulics and sediment > Hydrodynamics > Current velocities and patterns Hydraulics and sediment > Hydrodynamics > Tides Modelling Numerical modelling Physics > Mechanics > Fluid mechanics > Hydrodynamics Brak water |
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Abstract |
A calibration of the NEVLA model of the Scheldt estuary – including all tributaries which are tidally influenced – was executed in (Maximova et al., 2009). The water movement on the intertidal areas was not analyzed during the calibration because it is has a limited effect on the general water movement in the estuary. However, a good reproduction of the velocity in the littoral zone is necessary to answer ecological questions. The intertidal areas Notelaer and Ballooi were chosen as a pilot study in the framework of the project “Vervolgstudie inventarisatie en historische analyse van slikken en schorren in de Zeeschelde”. These areas are located between Rupelmonde and Temse. Both zones are ecologically valuable areas of the Upper Sea Scheldt. Since the grid resolution of the calibrated NEVLA model is too rough to represent the water movement in the intertidal areas correctly, it was necessary to refine the model grid. Delft3D model with the domain decomposition was used for the analysis. The input files from the calibrated NEVLA model were adapted for the use in the Delft 3D software. This report describes the sensitivity analysis, model calibration and validation. The calibration and validation were based on comparison with ADCP and GPS float measurements of 10 and 11 June 2009. |
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