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Enforcing and protecting sustainable development: Amedeo Postiglione & the International Court of the Environment
Charlier, R.H. (2003). Enforcing and protecting sustainable development: Amedeo Postiglione & the International Court of the Environment. J. Coast. Res. 19(4): 944-946
In: Journal of Coastal Research. Coastal Education and Research Foundation: Fort Lauderdale. ISSN 0749-0208; e-ISSN 1551-5036
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Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee: Open Marine Archive 230844 [ download pdf ]
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Author keywords |
aquacide; geocide; arbitration court; cassazione court; enforcement |
Abstract |
A need exists for a legal formulation of "crimes" against the environment. There is a similar need for a juridical body to ensure the respects of laws, rules and directives aimed at protecting the environment and ensuring that development be sustainable: Several existing courts could be entrusted with cases flowing forth of such enforcement; however all of them appear to have impediments which would curb their efficiency or limit the accessibility to certain parties, thus disenfranchising some. The International Court of the Environment Foundation has; since several decades encouraged the establishment of a separate body and fostered the worldwide acceptance of the concept at international conferences. While its jurisdiction would embraces all regions, there is little doubt that it would be instrumental in favoring effective sustainable development in such coastal regions as for instance the Black Sea area. |
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