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Of geocide, ecocide and related matters - a viewpoint
In: International Journal of Environmental Studies. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers: New York; Paris; London. ISSN 0020-7233; e-ISSN 1029-0400
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Beschikbaar in | Auteur |
Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee: Open Marine Archive 254811 [ download pdf ]
Trefwoord |
Author keywords |
Genocide, ecology, environmental law, international court |
Abstract |
Environmental legislation has been passed in a large number of industrialized countries, an appropriate development since it has been established that they are the major polluters. Two thoughts though surface in this regard: First, are developing countries free of blame; second, is national legislation the best, even the only vehicule to cope with environment problems and to foster the abatement of further damage to the planet?When observing the demands of ecologists another question arises: are ecosystems, principally bio-systems, the only, or even the main scene? Or are we to face a larger scale scenario? One that encompasses and humanity and the geosphere? |
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