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Laboratory study on wave dissipation by vegetation in combined current–wave flow Hu, Z.; Suzuki, T.; Zitman, T.; Uittewaal, W.; Stive, M. (2014). Laboratory study on wave dissipation by vegetation in combined current–wave flow. Coast. Eng. 88: 131-142. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.coastaleng.2014.02.009
In: Coastal Engineering: An International Journal for Coastal, Harbour and Offshore Engineers. Elsevier: Amsterdam; Lausanne; New York; Oxford; Shannon; Tokyo. ISSN 0378-3839; e-ISSN 1872-7379
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Beschikbaar in | Auteurs |
Trefwoorden |
Drag force Energy transfer > Energy dissipation > Wave dissipation |
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Abstract |
We apply a new approach to obtain the drag coefficients. This new method eliminates the potential errors that are often introduced by the commonly used method. More importantly, it is capable of obtaining the vegetation drag coefficient in combined current–wave flows,which is not possible for the commonly used calibration method. Based on laboratory data, we propose an empirical relation between drag coefficient and Reynolds number, which can be useful for numericalmodeling. The characteristics of drag coefficient variation and in-canopy velocity dynamics are incorporated into an analytical model to help understand the effect of following currents on vegetation-induced wave dissipation. |
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