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Verification and validation of CFD simulations Stern, F.; Wilson, R.V.; Coleman, H.W.; Paterson, E.G. (1999). Verification and validation of CFD simulations. iv, 50. IIHR Report, 407. Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research: Iowa City.
Deel van: IIHR Report. University of Iowa. Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research: Iowa City. ISSN 0578-6444
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Simulation Validation Verification |
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Abstract |
Verification is defined as a process for assessing numerical uncertainty and, when conditions permit, estimating the sign and magnitude of the numerical error itself and the uncertainty in that error estimate. Iterative and parameter convergence studies are conducted using multiple solutions with systematic parameter refinement to estimate numerical errors and uncertainties. Three convergence conditions are possible: (i) monotonic convergence; (ii) oscillatory convergence; and (iii) divergence. For condition (i), generalized Richardson extrapolation for J input parameters and use of correction factors to account for the effects of higher-order terms and defining and estimating errors and uncertainties is used. For condition (ii), the upper and lower bounds of the solution oscillation are used to estimate uncertainties. For condition (iii), errors and uncertainties can not be estimated. Validation is defined as a process for assessing modeling uncertainty by using benchmark experimental data and, when conditions permit, estimating the sign and magnitude of the modeling error itself. The comparison error (difference between data and simulation values) and validation uncertainty (combination of uncertainties in data and portion of simulation uncertainties that can be estimated) are used in this process. An example is provided for a RANS CFD code and results for steady flow for a cargo/container ship. |
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