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Modelling of a mobile beach for short-term beach responses
In: Maritime Engineering. Thomas Telford: London (1 Heron Quay, London, E14 4JD). ISSN 1741-7597; e-ISSN 1751-7737
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Beschikbaar in | Auteurs |
Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee: Non-open access 318041 [ aanvragen ]
Trefwoord |
Author keywords |
coastal engineering; dynamics; models (physical) |
Auteurs | | Top |
- Russo, V
- Sutherland, J
- Allsop, W
- Kemp, J.
Abstract |
This paper describes the use of a mobile beach physical model to explore short-term profile changes of a sandy beach with unusual permeability and slope, under both eroding and accreting wave conditions. The model beach material was selected to reproduce key prototype beach profile responses. Run-up and profile responses of the model beach were validated against observations on the prototype beach. The results of these studies provide guidance on the rate at which beaches may reach equilibrium. In addition, the recorded shoreline position data may be used to test and/or support numerical models of short-term beach profile responses. |
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