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Including the influence of waves in the overall slope stability analysis of rubble mound breakwaters
Mollaert, J.; Tavallali, A. (2016). Including the influence of waves in the overall slope stability analysis of rubble mound breakwaters, in: Medzvieckas, J. (Ed.) Proceedings of 13th Baltic Sea Geotechnical Conference. pp. 187-191. https://dx.doi.org/10.3846/13bsgc.2016.027
In: Medzvieckas, J. (Ed.) (2016). Proceedings of 13th Baltic Sea Geotechnical Conference. STEF92 TECHNOLOGY LTD: Sofia. ISBN 978-609-457-957-8.
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Beschikbaar in | Auteurs |
Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee: Open access 302207 [ download pdf ]
Documenttype: Congresbijdrage
Trefwoord |
Author keywords |
breakwater; geotechnical design; pore water pressure; slope stability;wave profile; wave run-up |
Auteurs | | Top |
- Mollaert, J.
- Tavallali, A.
Abstract |
An offshore breakwater is designed for the construction of a LNG-terminal. For the slope stability analysis of the rubble mound breakwater the existing and the extreme wave climate are considered. Pore water pressure variations exist in the breakwater and its permeable foundation. A wave trough combined with the moment of maximum wave run-up results in a decrease and increase of the pore water pressure, respectively. Therefore, the wave actions have on overall effect on the slope stability of the breakwater. To include the wave actions in the slope stability analysis a simplified method is used. For the slope stability analysis, a specific piezometric line is determined. This piezometric line consists of a wave profile and the profile of wave run-up. The slope stability analysis are performed with GEO-SLOPE/W 2007. For the geotechnical design of the breakwater load cases of extreme and normal waves combined with, respectively, extreme and normal water levels are analysed. All the load cases which included the wave actions result in lower stability safety factors than the load cases with only still water levels. Therefore the wave actions are the determining load case for the geotechnical stability of the breakwater and it should be studied in detail. |
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