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Gemeten ende afgepaelt. Typologische analyse en ontsluiting van het pre-kadastrale landmetersarchief de Bersacques, gezworen en erfachtige landmeters van de kasselrij Kortrijk = Gemeten ende afgepaelt. Typological analysis and disclosure of the pre-cadastral archive of surveying de Bersacques, bonded and hereditary surveyors of the chancellery Kortrijk
Verheyde, F. (2017). Gemeten ende afgepaelt. Typologische analyse en ontsluiting van het pre-kadastrale landmetersarchief de Bersacques, gezworen en erfachtige landmeters van de kasselrij Kortrijk = Gemeten ende afgepaelt. Typological analysis and disclosure of the pre-cadastral archive of surveying de Bersacques, bonded and hereditary surveyors of the chancellery Kortrijk. MA Thesis. Vrije Universiteit Brussel: Brussel. 2 vol. (178+209) pp.
Beschikbaar in | Auteur |
Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee: Non-open access 310710 [ aanvragen ]
Documenttype: Doctoraat/Thesis/Eindwerk
Trefwoorden |
Cartography Geography Surveying Terrestrisch |
Author keywords |
Landmetersarchief, landmeters, de Bersacques, grafische archivalia, kasselrij Kortrijk, 16de eeuw-18de eeuw, pre-kadastrale kaarten, opmetingen, opmetingsverslagen, abdij Ter Duinen, Persijn |
Abstract |
In the following dissertation we examine the types of archival material that can be found in an archive of land surveying; and how one makes the distinction between a piece of archive from the surveyor and one from his employer. Lastly the work process of the surveyor is reconstructed on the basis of his archive. This analysis was written based on the unique archive created by the de Bersacques family, which actively held a monopoly position within the chancellery of Kortrijk from the 16th to the 18th century. Within the context of this assignment, the archive, which was mostly kept in the State Archives of Kortrijk, was fully disclosed. We have also tried to formulate relevant historical discoveries to the augmentation of pre-existing scientific literature. |
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