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Tourism and the coastal zone: the case of Belgium
In: Ocean & Coastal Management. Elsevier Science: Barking. ISSN 0964-5691; e-ISSN 1873-524X
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Beschikbaar in | Auteurs |
Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee: Open Marine Archive 252123 [ download pdf ]
Auteurs | | Top |
- Charlier, R.H.
- De Meyer, C.P.
Abstract |
The economic and human importance of the coastal zone, which is already considerable, is destined to increase rapidly as we near the next century. Owing to natural causes, compounded by anthropogenic actions, it is also under threat: erosion is steadily pushing back the shoreline. Tourism and shore recreation, major sources of income in the zone, are threatened. Various countermeasures have been taken, but often with disappointing results. Beach nourishment has shown great promise. The largest of such undertakings has recently been completed along a stretch of the Belgian coast. |
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