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Impact on the coastal environment of marine aggregates mining
In: International Journal of Environmental Studies. Gordon and Breach Science Publishers: New York; Paris; London. ISSN 0020-7233; e-ISSN 1029-0400
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Beschikbaar in | Auteur |
Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee: Open Marine Archive 252118 [ download pdf ]
Trefwoord |
Author keywords |
Sand, Gravel, Dredging, Benthos, Geographical Round-up |
Abstract |
The higher demand for construction materials and the depletion of land sources, coupled with sterner environmental restrictions, led suppliers to turn to the sea, particularly to the near-shore areas. Several of these mining operations are illegal, many are damaging for the coastal and off-shore environment, some are threatening coast lines including in such sensitive areas as the coral reefs. A case study is examined for Australia. |
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