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Hydrogeochemical assessment of aquifer salinization in north-eastern Morocco's Gueroaou coastal plain using statistical methods Chahban, M.; Akodad, M.; Skalli, A.; Gueddari, H.; El Yousfi, Y.; Hmeid, H.A.; Alitane, A.; Tabassum, S.; Alam, S.S.; Khan, A.H.; Sabi, E.; Zahmatkesh, S. (2024). Hydrogeochemical assessment of aquifer salinization in north-eastern Morocco's Gueroaou coastal plain using statistical methods. Environ. Res. 244: 117939. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envres.2023.117939
In: Environmental Research. Elsevier: Amsterdam. ISSN 0013-9351; e-ISSN 1096-0953
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Abstract |
The Guerouaou aquifer investigation spanning 280 km2 in Ain Zohra yields promising outcomes, instilling optimism for regional water quality. These analyses were applied to 45 sampling instances from 43 wells, enabling a comprehensive water quality assessment. Groundwater conductivity ranged from medium to high, peaking at 18360 ms/cm2. The conductivity reveals insights about the groundwater's mineralization. Key physiochemical parameters fell within desirable thresholds, bolstering the positive perspective. HCO3− levels spanned 82–420 mg/L, while chloride content ranged from 38 to 5316 mg/L, benefiting water quality. NO3− ions, vital for gauging pollution, ranged from 0 to 260 mg/L, indicating favorable results. Cation concentrations exhibited encouraging variations: Ca2+- 24 to 647 mg/L, Mg2+- 12 to 440 mg/L, Na+- 18 to 2722 mg/L, K+- 1.75 to 28.65 mg/L. These collectively favor water quality. Halite breakdown dominated mineralization, as evidenced by the prevalence of Na–Cl–Na–SO4 facies. Water resource management and local communities need effective management and mitigation strategies to prevent saltwater intrusion. |
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