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Sand transport modelling in the IJzer estuary using TELEMAC-2D and SISYPHE Decrop, B. (2005). Sand transport modelling in the IJzer estuary using TELEMAC-2D and SISYPHE. MSc Thesis. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KUL)/Vrije Universiteit Brussel: Brussel. viii, 97 pp.
Thesis info:
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Documenttype: Doctoraat/Thesis/Eindwerk |
Trefwoorden |
Sand transport Tidal environment Topographic features > Landforms > Coastal landforms > Tidal flats ANE, België, IJzer R. [Marine Regions] Marien/Kust |
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Abstract |
A2DH numerical sand transport model has been set up using SISYPHE, which is a module of the TELEMAC-2D system. Since SISYPHE has never been used in the Hydraulics Laboratory of KULeuven, some test cases were required to investigate the functioning of the modeling software and to set up the correct steering file structure. Based on bathymetric and DEM measurements, GIS has been applied to merge the different data sets and to interpolate the irregularly spread data points. With this information a finite element grid has been set up stretching from an open boundary in the North Sea up to the locks and gates system hydraulically sealing the estuary from the IJzer river most of the time. Application of recorded tidal elevations during a one month simulation period produced the consequent bed elevation changes. Thorough analysis of results produced by the test cases provided me with the insight that the modeling software is subject to numerical issues related to wetting and drying of the tidal flat, continuously changing the boundary. Overestimation of the downslope sand transport is probably the consequence. Adaptation of the software is required if future releases will not include changes to solve this issue. A one month simulation showed that sand is mainly transported from tidal flat to channel (tidal flat erosion). However, variations of tidal flat elevation need to be measured at different points in time to calibrate this complex model. |
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