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Small-scale 3D mud transport van Kessel, T.; Winterwerp, J.C. (2002). Small-scale 3D mud transport. WL | Delft Hydraulics: Delft. different pagination pp.
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Documenttype: Projectrapport |
Trefwoorden |
Physics > Mechanics > Fluid mechanics > Hydrodynamics Sediments Sediments > Clastics > Mud Transport > Sediment transport Marien/Kust |
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Abstract |
1. Simulations with an existing model of a real situation. For 2002 the model applied is the RIJMAMO model for the Rotterdam harbour area. This activity is elaborated in Part I of the present report. 2. In the late nineties so-called ‘Siltman’ measurements have been carried out in the Maasmond area. The present silt transport models are insufficiently able to reproduce the observed concentration gradients. This was one of the reasons to start the present research including a coupled solution of hydrodynamics and sediment transport. In Part II of the present report it is assessed whether these model developments have resulted in a better agreement with field observations. It is noted that wave effects are not considered herein. 3. Investigation of the causes of oscillating solutions. In some cases of the calculations with the idealised schematisation carried out in 2001, oscillating solutions were obtained although stationary solutions were expected. The cause for this, which could be both of physical and numerical origin, remained unclear at that time. This activity is elaborated in Part III of the present report. 4. Publication of a journal paper based on the results from 2001 and 2002. Dissemination of the knowledge gained through internal WL reports only is not sufficiently effective. The publication has been prepared in the framework of PECS 2002 conference. The conference proceedings will be published as a 'special issue' in Ocean Dynamics. Part IV of the present report consists of a copy of the submitted paper. |
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