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Roald Amundsen's Belgica Diary: The first scientific expedition to the Antarctic
Decleir, H. (1998). Roald Amundsen's Belgica Diary: The first scientific expedition to the Antarctic. Hadewijch: Antwerpen. ISBN 90-5240-489-5. 224 pp.
Beschikbaar in | Auteur |
Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee: Expedition Reports [102503]
Trefwoorden |
Documents > Expedition reports PS, Antarctica [Marine Regions] Marien/Kust |
Abstract |
In 1897 Roald Amundsen, the future conqueror of the South Pole, set sail as second officer on board the Belgica, as part of a multi-national crew. This was the first Antarctic expedition of a purely scientific nature and it was this expedition that fired him with his ambition to explore the Polar Regions. The explorers did not reach the pole but they were the first people to spend a winter in the Antarctic pack ice. This is the first publication of Amundsen's diary. The original manuscript, in the University of Oslo, has only been consulted by historians and biographers on a few occasions. As primarily a personal diary, it provides fascinating insights into the struggle for survival on the ice during the Antarctic winter and into the pressures in being part of a multi-national crew. |
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