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Thematic maps
Bogemans, F. (1990). Thematic maps, in: UniversiTECH 90: Remote sensing techniques and global change research. Seminar 30-31 March 1990. pp. 3
In: (1990). UniversiTECH 90: Remote sensing techniques and global change research. Seminar 30-31 March 1990. Vrije Universiteit Brussel: Brussel. 6 p. abstracts, 19 p. pp.
Beschikbaar in | Auteur |
Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee: Open Marine Archive 99324 [ download pdf ]
Documenttype: Samenvatting
Abstract |
Thematic maps, subdivided into basic geological maps and maps representing specifications for distinct purposes, are indispensable for well-balanced land-use planning. They form even the basic instrument in a planning wherein both the maximal exploitation of the natural environment and the preservation of the environment in question are of primary interest. An equilibrium between the above mentioned purposes is only established when the planning is based on the geological understanding of the sedimentary fades. Within this framework the first approach is to represent the basic geological knowledge by means of a prome type map which is based on lithostratigraphic units. Secondly, maps representing determinated topics are necessary in order to meet the specific demands of the public. |
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