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Preliminary research on thiamin deficiency in captive sea-birds
Vosjan, J.H.; Swennen, C. (1976). Preliminary research on thiamin deficiency in captive sea-birds. NIOZ-rapport, 1976(10). Nederlands Instituut voor Onderzoek der Zee: Texel. 7 pp.
Deel van: NIOZ-rapport. Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ): Den Burg. ISSN 0923-3210, meer
Peer reviewed article  


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  • Vosjan, J.H.
  • Swennen, C.

    On behalf of sea-bird research at the NIOZ, in which it is necessary to keep and rear birds in captivity, a preliminary research on thiamin deficiency was carried out. Pyruvate contents of blood of 13 black-headed gulls were determined. In four birds this took place immediately after capture and in 9 birds after they had been on a special diet in captivity for over 10 days. A diet of smelt did not result in an increase in the pyruvate content of the blood to an extent permitting any conclusions on thiamin deficiency.

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