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Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières (BRGM)

Tour Mirabeau - 39-43
quai André-Citroën
75739 Paris cedex 15

Tel.: +33-(0)140-58 89 00
 Personen | Instituten | Publicatie | Projecten 
Type: Wetenschappelijk

Personen (5)  Top | Instituten | Publicatie | Projecten 

Geassocieerd aan een deelinstituut (6)

Voormalig geassocieerde persoon

Deelinstituten (4)  Top | Personen | Publicatie | Projecten 
  • Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières; Service Aménagement et risques naturels (BRGM-SARN), meer
  • Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières; Service géologique régional d'Aquitaine (BRGM-SGRA), meer
  • Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières; Service géologique régional de la Réunion (BRGM-SGRR), meer
  • Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières; Service géologique régional des Pays de Loire (BRGM-SGRPL), meer

Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières (BRGM) is the French public institution in charge of Earth Sciences applied to resources and risks management. (http://www.brgm.fr/). On behalf of the Ministries in charge of Research and
Environment, BRGM leads and cooperate to researches in different fields linked to earth sciences and bring support to decision makers in developing public policies, in environment and risk management. It also has an international cooperative activity. With 850 employees, based in Orleans (France) in administrative regions and abroad, BRGM is involved in Geological mapping, Mineral resources, Geothermal Energy, Geological Storage of CO2 Water resources, Geological and Coastal hazards, Contaminated Land & Waste Management and Post-mining activity.

Publicatie  Top | Personen | Instituten | Projecten 
    ( 1 peer reviewed ) opsplitsen filter
  • Peer reviewed article Van Vliet-Lanoë, B.; Vandenberghe, N.; Bergerat, F.; Henriet, J.-P.; Mansy, J. L.; Mielliez, F.; Lacquement, F.; Sintubin, M.; Vandycke, S. (2002). Caenozoic evolution of the Channel and southern North Sea areas (western Europe). The neotectonic control on sedimentation and rivers, in: Degryse, P. et al. (Ed.) Contributions to the geology of Belgium and Northwest Europe: Proceedings of the first Geologica Belgica International Meeting, Leuven, 11-15 September 2002. Aardkundige Mededelingen, 12: pp. 21-24, meer

Projecten (6)  Top | Personen | Instituten | Publicatie 
  • CEAMaS: Civil Engineering Applications for Marine Sediments, meer
  • EUMARSIN: European marine sediment information network, meer
  • EUROCORE: A Searchable Internet Database of Seabed Samples from the Ocean Basins held at European Institutions, meer
  • EUROSEISMIC: European Marine Seismic Metadata and Information Centre, meer
  • EUROSION: European Project for Coastal Erosion Management, meer
  • THESEUS: Innovative coastal technologies for safer European coasts in a changing climate, meer

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