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Marine Geology Branche (PGI)

Poolse naam: Państwowy Instytut Geologiczny Oddział Geologii Morza
Overkoepelend instituut: Polish Geological Institute, meer

Thesaurustermen (3) : Cainozoic; Cartografie; Geologie
Koscierska st. 5
80-328 Gdansk

Tel.: +48-(0)58-554 31 34
 Personen | Projecten 
Type: Wetenschappelijk
Niveau: Eenheid

Personen (2)  Top | Projecten 

Work includes cainozoic sediment layer of Baltic Sea bottom, pollution of bottom sediments, documentation of sand/gravel resources and sand resources to be used for coastal protection, geological and hydro-geological cartography, economic and environmental geology, monitoring of groundwater resources, geological composition and geodynamic processes within sea-land interface.

Projecten (2)  Top | Personen 
  • EUROSEISMIC: European Marine Seismic Metadata and Information Centre, meer
  • MACHU: Managing Cultural Heritage Underwater, meer

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