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Department of Coastal Engineering and Dynamics (PAN)

Poolse naam: Zakład Mechaniki i Inżynierii Brzegów
Overkoepelend instituut: Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN), meer

Thesaurustermen (8) : Coastal observatory; Coastal processes; Coastal protection; Kusterosie; Kustmorfologie; Kustwaterbouwkunde; Kustwerken; Kustzonebeheer
7 Kościerska
80-328 Gdansk

Tel.: +48-(0)58-552 20 11
Type: Wetenschappelijk
Niveau: Departement

The Department carries out research on coastal hydrodynamics, evolution and management of the coastal zone, sediment transport and shore protection. Both theoretical and empirical methods are applied to solve the problems of the basic and applied characters. The Department consits of the following research groups: (1) wave transformation and currents in the surf zone, (2) sediment transport and short-term seabed changes due to water waves and currents, (3) coastal morphodynamics at various spatial and time scales.molecular markers; biological role of bacterial bioluminescence in the marine environment.

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