1 Directeur: Hoofd van de onderzoeksgroep/afdeling 2 Mariene onderzoeker: Is werkzaam in deze groep en treedt op als (co)auteur in minstens één mariene publicatie in de laatste 5 jaar. 3 Gespecialiseerd personeel: Levert administratieve of technische ondersteuning aan het zeewetenschappelijk onderzoek.
Abstract: |
AquaTT was founded in 1992 under the EU COMETT programme as the University Enterprise Training Partnership (UETP) for the European Aquaculture Industry. The initial proposal arose from the identification of a clear need to systematise, coordinate and develop the training requirements of the industry through a single body. |
Projecten (9) |
Top | Personen |
- AQUAEXCEL: Aquaculture infrastructures for excellence in European fish research, meer
- ARRAINA: Advanced Research Initiatives for Nutrition & Aquaculture, meer
- COEXIST: Interaction in coastal waters: A roadmap to sustainable integration of aquaculture and fisheries, meer
- COLUMBUS: Monitoring, Managing and Transferring Marine and Maritime Knowledge for Sustainable Blue Growth, meer
- ECsafeSEAFOOD: Priority environmental contaminants in seafood: safety assessment, impact and public perception, meer
- MACUMBA: Marine Microorganisms: Cultivation Methods for Improving their Biotechnological Applications, meer
- MG4U: Marine Genomics for Users, meer
- SEAFARE: Sustainable and Environmentally friendly Aquaculture For the Atlantic Region of Europe, meer
- SFS: Sea for Society, meer