dr. Beenaerts, Natalie |
Vorige instituten (4) |
Top | Instituut | Publicaties | Project |
- Universiteit Hasselt; Centre for Environmental Sciences; Onderzoeksgroep Dierkunde: Biodiversiteit en Toxicologie (CMKDK), meer
- Vrije Universiteit Brussel; Faculteit Wetenschappen; Vakgroep Biologie; Ecological Marine Management Programme (ECOMAMA), meer
Functie: Programme coördinator VUB, lecturer
- Vlaams Instituut voor de Zee (VLIZ), meer
Functie: Wetenschappelijk medewerker
Periode: Vanaf 1st Jul 2000 tot 31st Oct 2000 - Vrije Universiteit Brussel; Faculteit Wetenschappen; Vakgroep Biologie; Laboratorium voor Ecologie en Systematiek (ECOL), meer
- homepages.vub.ac.be/~ecomama/welcome.html
Project |
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- Verzamelen van de nodige attributen, het opstellen van de benodigde teksten en scenario’s voor de museologische inrichting van het Vlaams Bezoekerscentrum De Nachtegaal, meer
Publicaties (13) |
Top | Instituut | Publicaties | Project |
A1 publicaties (7) [show] |
Bollen, M.; Neyens, T.; Beenaerts, N.; Casaer, J. (2024). Impacts of zoning and landscape structure on the relative abundance of wild boar assessed through a Bayesian N-mixture model. Sci. Total Environ. 911: 168546. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.168546, meer
Cruz Portorreal, Y.; Beenaerts, N.; Koedam, N.; Reyes Dominguez, O.J.; Milanes, C.B.; Dahdouh-Guebas, F.; Pérez Montero, O. (2024). Perception of mangrove social–ecological system governance in southeastern Cuba. Water 16(17): 2495. https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/w16172495, meer
Bollen, M.; Neyens, T.; Fajgenblat, M.; De Waele, V.; Licoppe, A.; Manet, B.; Casaer, J.; Beenaerts, N. (2021). Managing African swine fever: Assessing the potential of camera traps in monitoring wild boar occupancy trends in infected and non-infected Zones, using spatio-temporal statistical models. Frontiers in Veterinary Science 8. https://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fvets.2021.726117, meer
Wevers, J.; Beenaerts, N.; Casaer, J.; Zimmermann, F.; Artois, T.; Fattebert, J. (2021). Modelling species distribution from camera trap by‐catch using a scale‐optimized occupancy approach. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation 7(3): 534-549. https://dx.doi.org/10.1002/rse2.207, meer
Pilotto, F.; Kühn, I.; Adrian, R.; Alber, R.; Alignier, A.; Andrews, C.; Bäck, J.; Barbaro, L.; Beaumont, D.; Beenaerts, N.; Benham, S.; Boukal, D.S.; Bretagnolle, V.; Camatti, E.; Canullo, R.; Cardoso, P.G.; Ens, B.J.; Everaert, G.; Evtimova, V.; Feuchtmayr, H.; García-González, R.; Gómez García, D.; Grandin, U.; Gutowski, J.M.; Hadar, L.; Halada, L.; Halassy, M.; Hummel, H.; Huttunen, K.-L.; Jaroszewicz, B.; Jensen, T.C.; Kalivoda, H.; Schmidt, I.K.; Kröncke, I.; Leinonen, R.; Martinho, F.; Meesenburg, H.; Meyer, J.; Minerbi, S.; Monteith, D.; Nikolov, B.P.; Oro, D.; Ozoliņš, D.; Padedda, B.M.; Pallett, D.; Pansera, M.; Pardal, M.A.; Petriccione, B.; Pipan, T.; Pöyry, J.; Schäfer, S.M.; Schaub, M.; Schneider, S.C.; Skuja, A.; Soetaert, K.; Spriņģe, G.; Stanchev, R.; Stockan, J.A.; Stoll, S.; Sundqvist, L.; Thimonier, A.; Van Hoey, G.; Van Ryckegem, G.; Visser, M.E.; Vorhauser, S.; Haase, P. (2020). Meta-analysis of multidecadal biodiversity trends in Europe. Nature Comm. 11(1): 3486. https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-17171-y, meer
- Wevers, J.; Fattebert, J.; Casaer, J.; Artois, T.; Beenaerts, N. (2020). Trading fear for food in the Anthropocene: How ungulates cope with human disturbance in a multi-use, suburban ecosystem. Sci. Total Environ. 741: 140369. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.140369, meer
- Artois, T.; Schockaert, E.; Beenaerts, N.; Reygel, P. (2013). Trigonostomum vanmecheleni sp. nov., a new species of Trigonostomidae (Rhabdocoela: Dalytyphloplanida) from the channels of Venice (Italy), with a discussion on the T. lilliei species group. Ital. J. Zoolog. 80(1): 46-51. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/11250003.2012.754058, meer
Peer reviewed publicatie [show] |
Beenaerts, N.; Vanden Berghe, E. (2005). Comparative study of three transect methods to assess coral cover, richness and diversity. Western Indian Ocean J. Mar. Sci. 4(1): 29-37, meer
Abstracts (3) [show] |
- Beenaerts, N. (2007). Capacity building, training and education in ICZM, in: Claus, S. et al. (Ed.) Background report First BeNCoRe Conference: State of the Art and future of Belgian Coastal Research. BeNCoRe and its relation to the Green Paper on a future European Maritime Policy, Leuven, 26 April 2007. pp. 22, meer
ECOMAMA students; Mubiana, V.; Beenaerts, N. (2004). International ECOMAMA community meets benthic communities at De Panne, in: Mees, J. et al. VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 5 March 2004: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 17: pp. 48, meer
ECOMAMA students; Mubiana, V.; Beenaerts, N. (2003). Flux 'n stock around the clock: a 24-h survey of carbon and nutrient dynamics in the Spuikom lagoon (Ostend, Belgium), in: Mees, J. et al. VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 28 February 2003: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 12: pp. 36, meer
Thesis (co-)promotor (2) [show] |