prof. dr. Warwick, Richard |
Projecten (3) |
Top | Instituut | Publicaties | Projecten |
- A register of marine species in Europe to facilitate marine biodiversity research and management, meer
- ELectronic conference on MARine Biodiversity in Europe, meer
- Implementation and networking of large-scale long-term marine biodiversity research in Europe, meer
Publicaties (114) |
Top | Instituut | Publicaties | Projecten |
A1 publicaties (73) [show] |
- Warwick, R.M.; Pearce, B. (2020). Irregular recruitment of the echinoid Echinocyamus pusillus and its implications for biological traits analysis. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 100(7): 1123-1127., meer
- Warwick, R.M.; Somerfield, P.J. (2015). Assessing the conservation status of marine habitats: thoughts from a sandflat on the Isles of Scilly. J. Sea Res. 98: 109-119., meer
- McCormick-Ray, J.; Warwick, R.M.; Ray, G.C. (2011). Benthic macrofaunal compositional variations in the northern Bering Sea. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 158(6): 1365-1376., meer
Stobar, B.; Warwick, R.M.; González, C.; Mallol, S.; Díaz, D.; Reñones, O.; Goñi, R. (2009). Long-term and spillover effects of a marine protected area on an exploited fish community. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 384: 47-60, meer
- Warwick, R.M.; Field, J.G.; Heip, C.; Stebbing, T. (2008). Prof. John Stuart Gray (1941-2007). J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 366(1-2): 1-5, meer
- Ceschia, C.; Falace, A.; Warwick, R.M. (2007). Biodiversity evaluation of the macroalgal flora of the Gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic Sea) using taxonomic distinctness indices. Hydrobiologia 580(1): 43-56., meer
- Somerfield, P.J.; Atkins, M.; Bolam, S.G.; Clarke, K.R.; Garnacho, E.; Rees, H.L.; Smith, R.; Warwick, R.M. (2006). Relative impacts at sites of dredged-material relocation in the coastal environment: a phylum-level meta-analysis approach. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 148(6): 1231-1240., meer
- Warwick, R.M.; Dashfield, S.L.; Somerfield, P.J. (2006). The integral structure of a benthic infaunal assemblage. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 330(1): 12-18., meer
- Faubel, A.; Warwick, R.M. (2005). The marine flora and fauna of the Isles of Scilly: free-living Plathelminthes ('Turbellaria'). J. Nat. Hist. 39(1): 1-45., meer
Hyland, J.; Balthis, L.; Karakassis, I.; Magni, P.; Petrov, A.; Shine, J.; Vestergaard, O.; Warwick, R.M. (2005). Organic carbon content of sediments as an indicator of stress in the marine benthos. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 295: 91-103, meer
- Netto, S.A.; Attrill, M.J.; Warwick, R.M. (2003). The relationship between benthic fauna, carbonate sediments and reef morphology in reef-flat tidal pools of Rocas Atoll (north-east Brazil). J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 83(2): 425-432, meer
- Warwick, R.M.; Ashman, C.M.; Brown, A.R.; Clarke, K.R.; Dowell, B.; Hart, B.; Lewis, R.E.; Shillabeer, N.; Somerfield, P.J.; Tapp, J.F. (2002). Inter-annual changes in the biodiversity and community structure of the macrobenthos in Tees Bay and the Tees estuary, UK, associated with local and regional environmental events. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 234: 1-13, meer
- Warwick, R.M.; Light, J. (2002). Death assemblages of molluscs on St. Martin’s Flats, Isles of Scilly: a surrogate for regional biodiversity? Biodivers. Conserv. 11: 99-112., meer
- Warwick, R.M.; Turk, S.M. (2002). Predicting climate change effects on marine biodiversity: comparison of recent and fossil molluscan death assemblages. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 82(5): 847-850, meer
Clarke, K.R.; Warwick, R.M. (2001). A further biodiversity index applicable to species lists: variation in taxonomic distinctness. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 216: 265-278, meer
- Guo, Y.; Somerfield, P.J.; Warwick, R.M.; Zhang, Z. (2001). Large-scale patterns in the community structure and biodiversity of freeliving nematodes in the Bohai Sea, China. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 81(5): 755-763, meer
- Warwick, R.M.; Clarke, K.R. (2001). Practical measures of marine biodiversity based on relatedness of species, in: Gibson, R.N. et al. Oceanogr. Mar. Biol. Ann. Rev. 39. Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review, 39: pp. 207-231, meer
- Widdicombe, S.; Austen, M.C.; Kendall, M.A.; Warwick, R.M.; Jones, M.B. (2000). Bioturbation as a mechanism for setting and maintaining levels of diversity in subtidal macrobenthic communities. Hydrobiologia 440(1-3): 369-377., meer
Clarke, K.R.; Warwick, R.M. (1999). The taxonomic distinctness measure of biodiversity: weighting of step lengths between hierarchical levels. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 184: 21-29, meer
Schratzberger, M.; Warwick, R.M. (1999). Differential effects of various types of disturbances on the structure of nematode assemblages: an experimental approach. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 181: 227-236., meer
- Schratzberger, M.; Warwick, R.M. (1999). Impact of predation and sediment disturbance by Carcinus maenas (L.) on free-living nematode community structure. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 235(2): 255-271., meer
- Schratzberger, M.; Warwick, R.M. (1999). Effects of various types of disturbances on nematode communities: an experimental approach. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 181: 227-236, meer
Clarke, K.R.; Warwick, R.M. (1998). Quantifying structural redundancy in ecological communities. Oecologia 113(2): 278-289, meer
Clarke, K.R.; Warwick, R.M. (1998). A taxonomic distinctness index and its statistical properties. J. Appl. Ecol. 35(4): 523-531, meer
Gourbault, N.; Warwick, R.M.; Helléouet, M.-N. (1998). Spatial and temporal variability in the composition and structur of meiobenthic assemblages (especially nematodes) in tropical beaches (Guadeloupe, FWI). Cah. Biol. Mar. 39(1): 29-39, meer
Schratzberger, M.; Warwick, R.M. (1998). Effects of the intensity and frequency of organic enrichment on two estuarine nematode communities. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 164: 83-94., meer
- Schratzberger, M.; Warwick, R.M. (1998). Effects of physical disturbance on nematode communities in sand and mud: a microcosm experiment. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 130(4): 643-650, meer
Warwick, R.M.; Clarke, K.R. (1998). Taxonomic distinctness and environmental assessment. J. Appl. Ecol. 35(4): 532-543, meer
- Warwick, R.M. (1997). The ecology of soft-bottom habitats: matching spatial patterns with dynamic processes. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 214(1-2): R9-R9, meer
- Gee, J.M.; Warwick, R.M. (1996). A study of global biodiversity patterns in the marine motile fauna of hard substrata. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 76(1): 177-184, meer
- Kendall, M.A.; Widdicombe, S.; Davey, J.T.; Somerfield, P.J.; Austen, M.C.V.; Warwick, R.M. (1996). The biogeography of islands: Preliminary results from a comparative study of the Isles of Scilly and Cornwall. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 76(1): 219-222, meer
- Warwick, R.M. (1996). Marine biodiversity, a selection of papers presented at the conference ''Marine Biodiversity: Causes and Consequences'', York, UK, 30 August-2 September 1994: introduction. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 202(1): R9-R10, meer
- Warwick, R.M.; Clarke, K.R. (1996). Relationships between body-size, species abundance and diversity in marine benthic assemblages: facts or artefacts? J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 202(1): 63-71., meer
- Austen, M.C.; Warwick, R.M. (1995). Effects of manipulation of food supply on estuarine meiobenthos. Hydrobiologia 311(1-3): 175-184., meer
Somerfield, P.J.; Rees, H.L.; Warwick, R.M. (1995). Interrelationships in community structure between shallow-water marine meiofauna and macrofauna in relation to dredgings disposal. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 127: 103-112, meer
- Warwick, R.M.; Clarke, K.R. (1995). New 'biodiversity' measures reveal a decrease in taxonomic distinctness with increasing stress. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 129(1-3): 301-305, meer
- Austen, M.C.; McEvoy, A.; Warwick, R.M. (1994). The specificity of meiobenthic community responses to different pollutants: results from microcosm experiments. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 28(9): 557-563, meer
- Clarke, K.R.; Warwick, R.M. (1994). Similarity-based testing for community pattern: the two-way layout with no replication. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 118(1): 167-176, meer
Somerfield, P.J.; Gee, J.M.; Warwick, R.M. (1994). Soft sediment meiofaunal community structure in relation to a long-term heavy metal gradient in the Fal estuary system. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 105(1-2): 79-88, meer
- Somerfield, P.J.; Gee, J.M.; Warwick, R.M. (1994). Benthic community structure in relation to an instantaneous discharge of waste water from a tin mine. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 28(6): 363-369, meer
- Warwick, R.M.; Clarke, K.R. (1994). Relearning the ABC: taxonomic changes and abundance biomass relationships in disturbed benthic communities. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 118(4): 739-744, meer
Clarke, K.R.; Warwick, R.M.; Brown, B.E. (1993). An index showing breakdown of seriation, related to disturbance in a coral-reef assemblage. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 102(1-2): 153-160, meer
Warwick, R.M.; Clarke, K.R. (1993). Comparing the severity of disturbance: a meta-analysis of marine macrobenthic community data. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 92(3): 221-231, meer
- Warwick, R.M.; Clarke, K.R. (1993). Increased variability as a symptom of stress in marine communities. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 172(1-2): 215-226, meer
Gee, J.M.; Austen, M.C.; De Smet, G.; Ferraro, T.; McEvoy, A.; Moore, S.; Van Gansbeke, D.; Vincx, M.; Warwick, R.M. (1992). Soft sediment meiofauna community responses to environmental pollution gradients in the German Bight and at a drilling site off the Dutch coast. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 91(1-3): 289-302, meer
- Warwick, R.M.; Clarke, K.R. (1991). A comparison of some methods for analyzing changes in benthic community structure. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 71(1): 225-244., meer
Gray, J.S.; Aschan, M.; Carr, M.R.; Clarke, K.R.; Green, R.H.; Pearson, T.H.; Rosenberg, R.; Warwick, R.M. (1988). Analysis of community attributes of the benthic macrofauna of Frierfjord/Langesundfjord and in a mesocosm experiment. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 46(1-3): 151-165, meer
Heip, C.H.R.; Warwick, R.M.; Carr, M.R.; Herman, P.M.J.; Huys, R.; Smol, N.; Van Holsbeke, K. (1988). Analysis of community attributes of the benthic meiofauna of Frierfjord-Langesundfjord. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 46(1-3): 171-180., meer
Warwick, R.M. (1988). Analysis of community attributes of the macrobenthos of Frierfjord-Langesundfjord at taxonomic levels higher than species. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 46(1-3): 167-170, meer
Warwick, R.M. (1988). Effects on community structure of a pollutant gradient - summary. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 46(1-3): 207-211, meer
- Warwick, R.M. (1988). The level of taxonomic discrimination required to detect pollution effects on marine benthic communities. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 19(6): 259-268, meer
Warwick, R.M. (1988). Effects on community structure of a pollutant gradient: introduction. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 46(1-3): 149, meer
Warwick, R.M.; Carr, M.R.; Clarke, K.R.; Gee, J.M.; Green, R.H. (1988). A mesocosm experiment on the effects of hydrocarbon and copper pollution on a sublittoral soft-sediment meiobenthic community. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 46(1-3): 181-191, meer
- Warwick, R.M. (1986). A new method for detecting pollution effects on marine macrobenthic communities. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 92: 557-562, meer
- Warwick, R.M.; Collins, N.R.; Gee, J.M.; George, C.L. (1986). Species size distributions of benthic and pelagic Metazoa: evidence for interaction? Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 34: 63-68., meer
Gee, J.M.; Warwick, R.M.; Davey, J.T.; George, C.L. (1985). Field experiments on the role of epibenthic predators in determining prey densities in an estuarine mudflat. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 21: 429-448, meer
- George, C.L.; Warwick, R.M. (1985). Annual macrofauna production in a hard-bottom reef community. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 65(3): 713-735., meer
- Gee, J.M.; Warwick, R.M. (1984). Preliminary observations on the metabolic and reproductive strategies of harpacticoid copepods from an intertidal sandflat. Hydrobiologia 118: 29-37., meer
- Warwick, R.M. (1984). The benthic ecology of the Bristol Channel. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 15(2): 70-76, meer
Warwick, R.M.; Gee, J.M. (1984). Community structure of estuarine meiobenthos. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 18: 97-111, meer
Field, J.G.; Clarke, K.R.; Warwick, R.M. (1982). A practical strategy for analysing multispecies distribution patterns. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 8(1): 37-52, meer
- Joint, I.R.; Gee, J.M.; Warwick, R.M. (1982). Determination of fine-scale vertical distribution of microbes and meiofauna in an intertidal sediment. Mar. Biol. (Berl.) 72(2): 157-164, meer
- Warwick, R.M. (1981). The Influence of temperature and salinity on energy partitioning in the marine nematode Diplolaimelloides bruciei. Oecologia 51(3): 318-325., meer
- Warwick, R.M. (1981). The nematode/copepod ratio and its use in pollution ecology. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 12(10): 329-333., meer
Warwick, R.M.; Davey, J.T.; Gee, J.M.; George, C.L. (1981). Faunistic control of Enteromorpha blooms: a field experiment. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 56(1): 23-31., meer
- Price, R.; Warwick, R.M. (1980). Temporal variations in annual production and biomass in estuarine populations of two polychaetes, Nephtys hombergi and Ampharete acutifrons. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 60(2): 481-187, meer
- Price, R.; Warwick, R.M. (1980). The effect of temperature on the respiration rate of meiofauna. Oecologia 44: 145-148., meer
Warwick, R.M.; Uncles, R.J. (1980). Distribution of benthic macrofauna associations in the Bristol Channel in relation to tidal stress. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 3: 97-103, meer
- Warwick, R.M.; Price, R. (1975). Macrofauna production in an estuarine mud-flat. J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K. 55(1): 1-18., meer
Warwick, R.M.; Platt, H.M. (1973). New and little known marine nematodes from a Scottish sandy beach. Cah. Biol. Mar. 14(2): 135-158, meer
Warwick, R.M. (1971). The Cyatholaimidae (Nematoda, Chromadoroidea) off the coast of Northumberland. Cah. Biol. Mar. 12(1): 95-110, meer
- Warwick, R.M. (1970). The genus Paramesacanthion Wieser (Nematoda, Enoplidae) off the coast of Northumberland. Cah. Biol. Mar. 11(2): 187-194, meer
Warwick, R.M. (1969). Two new species of Pseudonchus Cobb (Nematoda, Choanolaimidae) from the British coast. Cah. Biol. Mar. 10(4): 375-382, meer
Peer reviewed publicaties (8) [show] |
Arvanitidis, C.; Warwick, R.M.; Somerfield, P.J.; Pavloudi, C.; Pafilis, E.; Oulas, A.; Chatzigeorgiou, G.; Gerovasileiou, V.; Patkos, T.; Bailly, N.; Hernandez, F.; Vanhoorne, B.; Vandepitte, L.; Appeltans, W.; Keklikoglou, K.; Chatzinikolaou, E.; Michalakis, N.; Filiopoulou, I.; Panteri, E.; Gougousis, A.; Bravakos, P.; Christakis, C.; Kassapidis, P.; Kotoulas, G.; Magoulas, A. (2019). The collaborative potential of research infrastructures in addressing global scientific questions. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 3: e37289., meer
- Warwick, R.M. (2007). Body size and diversity in marine systems, in: Hildrew, A.G. et al. (Ed.) Body size: the structure and function of aquatic ecosystems. Ecological reviews, : pp. 210-224, meer
- Warwick, R.M.; Gee, J.M.; Berge, J.A.; Ambrose Jr., W. (1986). Effects of the feeding activity of the polychaete Streblosoma bairdi (Malmgren) on meiofaunal abundance and community structure. Sarsia 71: 11-16, meer
- Warwick, R.M. (1982). The partitioning of secondary production among species in benthic communities. Neth. J. Sea Res. 16: 1-16, meer
- Warwick, R.M. (1980). Population dynamics and secondary production of benthos, in: Tenore, K.R. et al. (Ed.) Marine benthic dynamics: 11th Belle W. Baruch Symposium in Marine Science, Georgetown (SC), April, 1979. The Belle W. Baruch Library in Marine Science, 11: pp. 1-24, meer
- Warwick, R.M.; Price, R. (1979). Ecological and metabolic studies on free-living nematodes from an estuarine mud-flat. Estuar. Coast. Mar. Sci. 9(3): 257-271., meer
- Warwick, R.M.; George, C.L.; Davies, J.R. (1978). Annual macrofauna production in a Venus community. Estuar. Coast. Mar. Sci. 7(3): 215-241., meer
- Warwick, R.M.; Davies, J.R. (1977). The distribution of sublittoral macrofauna communitites in the Bristol Channel in relation to the substrate. Estuar. Coast. Mar. Sci. 5: 267-288, meer
Boeken (8) [show] |
- Queiroga, H.; Cunha, M.R.; Cunha, A.; Moreira, M.H.; Quintino, V.; Rodrigues, A.M.; Serôdio, J.; Warwick, R.M. (Ed.) (2006). Marine biodiversity - Patterns and processes, assessment, threats, management and conservation: Proceedings of the 38th European Marine Biology Symposium, held in Aveiro, Portugal, 8-12 September 2003. European Marine Biology Symposia, 38. Developments in Hydrobiology, 183. ISBN 1-4020-4321-X. XV, 353 pp., meer
Heip, C.H.R.; Hummel, H.; van Avesaath, P.; Warwick, R.M. (Ed.) (2005). High level scientific conference activity on 'Biodiversity of coastal marine ecosystems': a functional approach to coastal marine biodiversity: Book of abstracts, Renesse, The Netherlands 11-15 May 2003. CEME/NIOO: Yerseke. ISBN 90-74638-18-X. 85 pp., meer
- Féral, J.-P.; Fourt, M.; Perez, T.; Warwick, R.M.; Emblow, C.; Heip, C.H.R.; van Avesaath, P.; Hummel, H. (2003). European marine biodiversity indicators: report of the European Concerted Action: BIOMARE implementation and networking of large scale, long term Marine Biodiversity Research in Europe. CEME/NIOO: Yerseke. ISBN 90-74638-14-7. 130 pp., meer
- Warwick, R.M.; Emblow, C.; Féral, J.-P.; Hummel, H.; van Avesaath, P.; Heip, C.H.R. (2003). European marine biodiversity research sites: report of the European Concerted Action: BIOMARE implementation and networking of large scale, long term Marine Biodiversity Research in Europe. CEME/NIOO: Yerseke. ISBN 90-74638-15-5. 135 pp., meer
- Warwick, R.M.; Platt, H.M.; Somerfield, P.J. (1998). Free-living marine nematodes: III. Monhysterids: pictorial key to world genera and notes for the identification of British species. Synopses of the British Fauna, N.S. 53. Field Studies Council: Shrewsbury. ISBN 1-85153-260-9. VII, 296 pp., meer
Kramer, K.J.M.; Warwick, R.M.; Brockmann, U.H. (1992). JEEP 92: Major biological processes in European tidal estuaries: Manual of sampling and analytical procedures for tidal estuaries. TNO Institute of Environmental Sciences: Den Helder. 238 pp., meer
- Platt, H.M.; Warwick, R.M. (1988). Freeliving marine nematodes: II. British chromadorids: pictorial key to world genera and notes for the identification of British species. Synopses of the British Fauna, N.S. 38. E.J. Brill/W. Backhuys: Leiden. ISBN 90-04-08595-5. VII, 264 pp., meer
- Platt, H.M.; Warwick, R.M. (1983). Free-living marine nematodes: I. British enoplids: pictorial key to world genera and notes for the identification of British species. Synopses of the British Fauna, N.S. 28. Cambridge University Press: Cambridge. ISBN 0-521-25422-1. VII, 307 pp., meer
Boekhoofdstukken (18) [show] |
- Somerfield, P.J.; Warwick, R.M. (2013). Meiofauna techniques, in: Eleftheriou, A. (Ed.) Methods for the study of marine benthos. pp. 253-284, meer
- Ceschia, C.; Falace, A.; Warwick, R.M. (2007). Biodiversity evaluation of the macroalgal flora of the Gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic Sea) using taxonomic distinctness indices, in: Relini, G. et al. Biodiversity in enclosed seas and artificial marine habitats: Proceedings of the 39th European Marine Biology Symposium, held in Genoa, Italy, 21-24 July 2004. Developments in Hydrobiology, 193: pp. 43-56., meer
- Queiroga, H.; Cunha, M.R.; Cunha, A.; Moreira, M.H.; Quintino, V.; Rodrigues, A.M.; Serôdio, J.; Warwick, R.M. (2006). Foreword, in: Queiroga, H. et al. (Ed.) Marine biodiversity: patterns and processes, assessment, threats, management and conservation: Proceedings of the 38th European Marine Biology Symposium, held in Aveiro, Portugal, 8-12 September 2003. Developments in Hydrobiology, 183: pp. ix, meer
- Somerfield, P.J.; Warwick, R.M.; Moens, T. (2005). Meiofauna techniques, in: Eleftheriou, A. et al. (Ed.) Methods for the study of marine benthos. pp. 229-272, meer
Warwick, R.M. (2005). Taxonomic distinctness as an indicator of stress in the marine macrobenthos, in: Magni, P. et al. (Ed.) Indicators of Stress in the Marine Benthos: Proceedings of an International workshop on the promotion and use of benthic tools for assessing the health of coastal marine ecosystems, Torregrande-Oristano, Italy 8-9 October 2004. IOC Workshop Report, 195: pp. 9-10, meer
- Warwick, R.M. (2003). Relatedness of species: a neglected aspect of biodiversity, in: Heip, C.H.R. et al. Biodiversity of coastal marine ecosystems pattern and process: a Euroconference, Corinth, Greece 05-10 May 2001. pp. 48-50, meer
- Widdicombe, S.; Austen, M.C.; Kendall, M.A.; Warwick, R.M.; Jones, M.B. (2000). Bioturbation as a mechanism for setting and maintaining levels of diversity in subtidal macrobenthic communities, in: Jones, M.B. et al. Island, Ocean and Deep-Sea Biology: Proceedings of the 34th European Marine Biology Symposium, held in Ponta Delgada (Azores), Portugal, 13-17 September 1999. Developments in Hydrobiology, 152: pp. 369-377., meer
- Warwick, R.M. (1996). Biodiversity and production on the sea floor, in: Hempel, G. (Ed.) The ocean and the poles: grand challenges for European cooperation. pp. 217-227, meer
- Austen, M.C.; Warwick, R.M. (1995). Effects of manipulation of food supply on estuarine meiobenthos, in: Heip, C.H.R. et al. Major biological processes in European tidal estuaries. Developments in Hydrobiology, 110: pp. 175-184, meer
- Austen, M.C.; Warwick, R.M. (1992). Report of progress in mesocosm experiments with meiobenthos, in: Herman, P.M.J. (Ed.) JEEP 92: Major biological processes in European tidal estuaries: report of the workshop held in Plymouth, January 29 - February 1, 1992. pp. 129-134, meer
- Austen, M.C.; Warwick, R.M. (1992). Effects of experimental manipulation of food supply on estuarine meiobenthos: progress report, in: Herman, P.M.J. (Ed.) JEEP 92: Major biological processes in European tidal estuaries: report of the workshop held in Plymouth, January 29 - February 1, 1992. pp. 135, meer
- Feller, R.J.; Warwick, R.M. (1988). Energetics, in: Higgins, R.P. et al. Introduction to the study of meiofauna. pp. 181-196, meer
- Gee, J.M.; Warwick, R.M. (1984). Preliminary observations on the metabolic and reproductive strategies of harpacticoid copepods from an intertidal sandflat, in: Heip, C.H.R. (Ed.) Biology of Meiofauna. Proceedings of the Fifth International Meiofauna Conference, held in Ghent, Belgium 16-20 August 1983. Developments in Hydrobiology, 26: pp. 29-37, meer
- McIntyre, A.D.; Warwick, R.M. (1984). Meiofauna techniques, in: Holme, N.A. et al. (Ed.) Methods for the study of marine benthos. pp. 217-244, meer
- Warwick, R.M. (1981). Survival strategies of meiofauna, in: Jones, N.V. et al. (Ed.) Feeding and survival strategies of estuarine organisms. Marine Science, 15: pp. 39-52, meer
- Platt, H.M.; Warwick, R.M. (1980). The significance of free-living nematodes to the littoral ecosystem, in: Price, J.H. et al. (Ed.) The shore environment: 2. Ecosystems. Systematics Association Special Volume, 17(b): pp. 729-759, meer
- Warwick, R.M.; Joint, I.R.; Radford, P.J. (1979). Secondary production of the benthos in an estuarine environment, in: Jefferies, R.L. et al. (Ed.) Ecological processes in coastal environments: The 1st European Ecological Symposium and 19th Symposium of the British Ecological Society, Norwich, 12-16 September 1977. pp. 429-450, meer
- Warwick, R.M. (1977). The structure and seasonal fluctuations of phytal marine nematode associations on the Isles of Scilly, in: Keegan, B.F. et al. (Ed.) Biology of Benthic Organisms: 11th European Symposium on Marine Biology, Galway, October 1976. pp. 577-585, meer
Abstracts (2) [show] |
Arvanitidis, C.; Warwick, R.M.; Somerfield, P.J.; Pavloudi, C.; Pafilis, E.; Oulas, A.; Chatzigeorgiou, G.; Gerovasileiou, V.; Patkos, T.; Bailly, N.; Hernandez, F.; Vanhoorne, B.; Vandepitte, L.; Appeltans, W.; Keklikoglou, K.; Chatzinikolaou, E.; Michalakis, N.; Filiopoulou, I.; Panteri, E.; Gougousis, A. (2018). Research Infrastructures offer capacity to address scientific questions never attempted before: Are all taxa equal?, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) Book of abstracts – 53rd European Marine Biology Symposium. Oostende, Belgium, 17-21 September 2018. VLIZ Special Publication, 82: pp. 71, meer
- Féral, J.-P.; Fourt, M.; Perez, T.; Warwick, R.M.; Emblow, C.; Heip, C.H.R.; van Avesaath, P.; Hummel, H. (2003). European marine biodiversity indicators: report of the European Concerted Action: BIOMARE implementation and networking of large scale, long term Marine Biodiversity Research in Europe, in: Heip, C.H.R. et al. (Ed.) BIOMARE-Implementation and networking of large-scale long-term MARine BIOdiversity research in Europe: a concerted action to establish the infrastructure and conditions required for marine biodiversity research at a European scale. pp. 130, meer
Rapporten (4) [show] |
Hiscock, K.; Langmead, O.; Warwick, R.M. (2004). Identification of seabed indicator species from time-series and other studies to support implementation of the EU Habitats and Water Framework Directives. Report to the Joint Nature Conservation Committee and the Environment Agency from the Marine Biological Association. Marine Biological Association: Plymouth. 109 pp., meer
Clarke, K.R.; Warwick, R.M. (2001). Changes in marine communities: An approach to statistical analysis and interpretation. Second edition. PRIMER-E: Plymouth. 172 pp., meer
Heip, C.H.R.; Warwick, R.M.; d'Ozouville, L. (Ed.) (1998). A European science plan on marine biodiversity. EMaPS Position Paper, 2. European Marine and Polar Science (EMaPS): Strasbourg. ISBN 2-903148-97-X. 20 pp., meer
- Warwick, R.M.; Goni, R.; Heip, C.H.R. (Ed.) (1996). An inventory of marine biodiversity research projects in the EU/EEA member states. European Environmental Research Organisation (EERO)/Netherlands Institute of Ecology: Yerseke. ISBN 90-74638-04-X. 93 pp., meer
Overige publicatie [show] |
- Warwick, R.M.; George, C.L. (1980). Annual macrofauna production in an Abra community, in: Collins, M.B. et al. (Ed.) Industrialised embayments and their environmental problems: A case study of Swansea Bay : proceedings of an interdisciplinary symposium held at University College, Swansea, 26th-28th September 1979. pp. 517-538, meer