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Riou, Virginie

Vorig instituut  Top | Publicaties | Project | Dataset 
    Vrije Universiteit Brussel; Faculteit Wetenschappen & Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen; Vakgroep Chemie; Analytical, Environmental and Geochemistry (AMGC), meer

Project  Top | Publicaties | Project | Dataset 
  • Diazotrophic pico-cyanobacteria in the North Atlantic open ocean: their abundance and importance as a source of new nitrogen at the Azores Current Front, meer

Dataset  Top | Publicaties | Project | Dataset 
  • Riou, V.; Martins A.; Dehairs, F.; Prakya S. R.; Loureiro, C.; Santos, M; Alves, A. V.; (2015): Data from the DIAPICNA cruise: Diazotrophic pico-cyanobacteria in the North Atlantic open ocean: their abundance and importance as a source of new nitrogen at the Azores Current Front, meer

Publicaties (13)  Top | Publicaties | Project | Dataset 
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