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- Genese van diepzeeriffen in het Porcupine bekken (Ierland) in relatie met methaan migratie en de implicatie voor fossiele equivalenten, meer
Publicaties (32) |
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A1 publicaties (11) [show] |
- Frank, N.; Freiwald, A.; López Correa, M.; Wienberg, C.; Eisele, M.; Hebbeln, D.; Van Rooij, D.; Henriet, J.-P.; Colin, C.; van Weering, T.; de Haas, H.; Buhl-Mortensen, P.; Murray Roberts, J.; De Mol, B.; Douville, E.; Blamart, D.; Hatté, C. (2011). Northeastern Atlantic cold-water coral reefs and climate. Geology (Boulder Colo.) 39(8): 743-746., meer
Ramirez-Llodra, E.Z.; Brandt, A.; Danovaro, R.; De Mol, B.; Escobar, E.; German, C.R.; Levin, L.A.; Martinez Arbizu, P.; Menot, L.; Buhl-Mortensen, P.; Narayanaswamy, B.E.; Smith, C.R.; Tittensor, D.P.; Tyler, P.A.; Vanreusel, A.; Vecchione, M. (2010). Deep, diverse and definitely different: unique attributes of the world's largest ecosystem. Biogeosciences 7(9): 2851-2899., meer
- Huvenne, V. A. I.; Van Rooij, D.; De Mol, B.; Thierens, M.; O’Donnell, R.; Foubert, A. (2009). Sediment dynamics and palaeo-environmental context at key stages in the Challenger cold-water coral mound formation: Clues from sediment deposits at the mound base. Deep-Sea Res., Part 1, Oceanogr. Res. Pap. 56(12): 2263-2280., meer
- Liquete, C.; De Mol, B.; De Batist, M.; Trincardi, F. (2008). Quaternary stratal architecture of the Barcelona prodeltaic continental shelf (NW Mediterranean). Mar. Geol. 250(3-4): 234-250., meer
- De Mol, B.; Kozachenko, M.; Wheeler, A.; Alvarez, H.; Henriet, J.-P.; Olu-Le Roy, K. (2007). Thérèse Mound: a case study of coral bank development in the Belgica Mound Province, Porcupine Seabight. Int. J. Earth Sci. 96(1): 103-120., meer
- Liquete, C.; Canals, M.; Lastras, G.; Amblas, D.; Urgeles, R.; De Mol, B.; De Batist, M.; Hughes-Clarke, J.E. (2007). Long-term development and current status of the Barcelona continental shelf: A source-to-sink approach. Cont. Shelf Res. 27(13): 1779-1800., meer
- Urgeles, R.; De Mol, B.; Liquete, C.; Canals, M.; De Batist, M.; Hughes-Clarke, J. E.; Amblàs, D.; Arnau, P. A.; Calafat, A. M.; Casamor, J. L.; Centella, V.; De Rycker, K.; Fabrés, J.; Frigola, J.; Lafuerza, S.; Lastras, G.; Sànchez, A.; Zuñiga, D.; Versteeg, W.; Willmott, V. (2007). Sediment undulations on the Llobregat prodelta: Signs of early slope instability or sedimentary bedforms? J. Geophys. Res. 112(B05102): 1-12., meer
- Huvenne, V.A.I.; De Mol, B.; Henriet, J.-P. (2003). A 3D seismic study of the morphology and spatial distribution of buried coral banks in the Porcupine Basin, SW of Ireland. Mar. Geol. 198(1-2): 5-25., meer
- Van Rooij, D.; De Mol, B.; Huvenne, V.; Ivanov, M.; Henriet, J.-P. (2003). Seismic evidence of current-controlled sedimentation in the Belgica Mound Province, upper Porcupine Slope, southwest of Ireland. Mar. Geol. 195(1-4): 31-53., meer
- De Mol, B.; Van Rensbergen, P.; Pillen, S.; Van Herreweghe, K.; Van Rooij, D.; McDonnell, A.; Huvenne, V.; Ivanov, M.; Swennen, R.; Henriet, J.P. (2002). Large deep-water coral banks in the Porcupine Basin, southwest of Ireland. Mar. Geol. 188(1-2): 193-231., meer
- Henriet, J.-P.; De Mol, B.; Pillen, S.; Vanneste, M.; Van Rooij, D.; Versteeg, W.; Croker, P.F.; Shannon, P.M.; Unnithan, V.; Bouriak, S.; Chachkine, P. (1998). Gas hydrate crystals may help build reefs. Nature (Lond.) 391: 648-649, meer
Peer reviewed publicaties (4) [show] |
Frank, N.; Freiwald, A.; Wienberg, C.; Van Rooij, D.; Colin, C.; de Haas, H.; Buhl-Mortensen, P.; Roberts, M. J.; De Mol, B.; HERMIONE partners Team (2011). Northeastern Atlantic cold-water coral reefs and climate. Geophys. Res. Abstr. 13(EGU2011-5486): 743-746, meer
Foubert, A.; Pirlet, H.; Thierens, M.; De Mol, B.; Henriet, J.-P.; Swennen, R. (2010). The early diagenetic and PETROphysical behaviour of recent cold-water CARbonate mounds in Deep Environments (PETROCARDE). Geophys. Res. Abstr. 12(EGU2010-11703), meer
- Van Rooij, D.; Huvenne, V.; De Mol, B.; Lietaert, B.; Van Eetvelt, B.; Blamart, D.; Cacho, I.; McCave, N.; Henriet, J. (2010). The Porcupine Contourite Depositional System : 2.6 Ma of competition between cold-water coral mounds and sediment drifts. Geo-Temas 11: 177-178, meer
De Mol, B.; Vanreusel, A.; Henriet, J.P. (2001). "Belgica" Mounds in Porcupine Seabight, NE Atlantic: Biological Zonation and Environmental Control. Geophys. Res. Abstr. 3(9321), meer
Boekhoofdstukken (8) [show] |
- Urgeles, R.; De Mol, B.; De Batist, M.; Hughes Clarke, J.E. (2017). Holocene muddy bedforms on the Llobregat river prodelta wedge, in: Guillen, J. et al. Atlas of bedforms in the western Mediterranean. pp. 101-106., meer
- Álvarez-Pérez, G.; Busquets, P.; De Mol, B.; Sandoval, N.G.; Canals, M.; Casamor, J.L. (2005). Deep-water coral occurrences in the Strait of Gibraltar, in: Freiwald, A. et al. Cold-water corals and ecosystems. Erlangen Earth Conference Series, : pp. 207-221, meer
- De Mol, B.; Henriet, J.-P.; Canals, M. (2005). Development of coral banks in Porcupine Seabight: do they have Mediterranean ancestors?, in: Freiwald, A. et al. (Ed.) Cold-water corals and ecosystems. Erlangen Earth Conference Series, : pp. 515-533, meer
- Henriet, J.P.; Van Rooij, D.; Huvenne, V.; De Mol, B.; Guidard, S. (2003). Mounds and sediment drift in the Porcupine Basin, west of Ireland, in: Mienert, J. et al. (Ed.) European margin sediment dynamics: side-scan sonar and seismic images. pp. 217-220, meer
- Henriet, J. P.; De Mol, B.; Vanneste, M.; Huvenne, V.; Van Rooij, D.; The Porcupine-Belgica '97, '98 and '99 Shipboard Parties (2001). Carbonate mounds and slope failures in the Porcupine Basin: a development model involving fluid venting, in: Shannon, P.M. et al. (Ed.) The petroleum exploration of Ireland's offshore basins. Geological Society Special Publication, 188: pp. 375-383, meer
- Henriet, J.-P.; Shannon, P. M. ; van Weering, T.; Revil, A.; Horsfield, B.; Croker, P. F.; Schenke, H. W.; Jokat, W.; Blamart, D.; Unnithan, V.; de Haas, H.; De Mol, B.; Huvenne, V.; Van Rensbergen, P.; Van Rooij, D. (2000). Carbonate mounds of Porcupine and Rockall Basins, off Southwest Ireland: giant biogenic build-ups at the crossroads between geological and oceanic fluxes, in: EurOcean 2000, the European Conference on Marine Science and Ocean Technology, Hamburg, 29 August - 2 September 2000. Project synopses: I. Marine processes, ecosystems and interactions. pp. 286-292, meer
- De Mol, B.; Swennen, R.; Henriet, J.P. (1998). Sedimentology and geochemical characteristics of a core taken from a 'Hovland' mound, in: De Mol, B. Geosphere-biosphere coupling: Carbonate Mud Mounds and Cold Water Reefs, International Conference and Sixth Post-Cruise Meeting of the Training Through Research Programme, Gent, Belgium 7-11 February 1998. IOC Workshop Report, 143: pp. 26-27, meer
- De Mol, B.; Keppens, E.; Swennen, R.; Henriet, J.P. (1998). Isotopic characterisation of ahermatypic coral on a 'Hovland' mound, in: De Mol, B. Geosphere-biosphere coupling: Carbonate Mud Mounds and Cold Water Reefs, International Conference and Sixth Post-Cruise Meeting of the Training Through Research Programme, Gent, Belgium 7-11 February 1998. IOC Workshop Report, 143: pp. 31-32, meer
Thesis [show] |
De Mol, B. (2002). Development of coral banks in Porcupine Seabight (SW Ireland): A multidisciplinary approach = Ontwikkeling van koraalbanken in de Porcupine Seabight (SW Ierland): Een multidisciplinaire studie. PhD Thesis. Universiteit Gent, Faculteit Wetenschappen, Vakgroep Geologie en Bodemkunde: Gent. 363 + bijlagen pp., meer
Abstracts (2) [show] |
- De Mol, B.; Van Rensbergen, P.; Henriet, J.-P. (2004). Start-up, catch-up, keep-up, give-up stages in deep-water coral banks, in: 32nd International Geological Congress, Florence, Italy, August 20-28, 2004. Abstract Volume. pp. 1478 (Abstract 336-10), meer
De Mol, B.; Vanreusel, A.; Henriet, J.-P. (2001). 'Hovland' mounds in Porcupine Seabight, NE Atlantic: biological zonation and environmental control, in: VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 23 February 2001: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 1: pp. 39, meer
Rapporten (2) [show] |
- Ferdelman, T.; Kano, A.; Williams, T.; Gaillot, P.; Abe, K.; Andres, M.S.; Bjerager, M.; Browning, E. L.; Cragg, B.A.; De Mol, B.; Foubert, A.; Frank, T.D.; Fuwa, Y.; Gharib, J.J.; Gregg, J. M.; Huvenne, V. A. I.; Léonide, P.; Li, X.; Mangelsdorf, K.; Tanaka, A.; Novosel, I.; Sakai, S.; Samarkin, V. A.; Sasaki, K.; Spivack, A. J.; Takashima, C.; Titschack, J. (2005). Modern carbonate mounds: Porcupine drilling. Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Preliminary Report, 307. Integrated Ocean Drilling Program: Washington D.C. 57 pp., meer
- De Mol, B. (1998). Geosphere-biosphere coupling: Carbonate Mud Mounds and Cold Water Reefs, International Conference and Sixth Post-Cruise Meeting of the Training Through Research Programme, Gent, Belgium 7-11 February 1998. IOC Workshop Report, 143. UNESCO: Paris. 59, III annexes pp., meer
Overige publicaties (4) [show] |
- Williams, T.; Kano, A.; Ferdelman, T.; Henriet, J.P.; Abe, K.; Andres, M.S.; Bjerager, M.; Browning, E.L.; Cragg, B.A.; De Mol, B.; Dorschel, B.; Foubert, A.; Frank, T.D.; Fuwa, Y.; Gaillot, P.; Gharib, J.J.; Gregg, J.M.; Huvenne, V.A.I.; Léonide, P.; Li, X.; Mangelsdorf, K.; Tanaka, A.; Monteys, X.; Novosel, I.; Sakai, S.; Samarkin, V.A.; Sasaki, K.; Spivack, A.J.; Takashima, C.; Titschack, J. (2006). Cold-water coral mounds revealed. Eos, Trans. (Wash. D.C.) 87(47): 525-526., meer
- De Mol, B.; Henriet, J.P.; Canals, M. (2003). Development of coral banks in the Porcupine Seabight: Do they have Mediterranean ancestors? Erlanger Geol. Abh. Sonderband 4(109): 31, meer
- Henriet, J.-P.; De Mol, B.; Dullo, W.-Chr.; Freiwald, A.; Joergensen, B.B.; Parkes, J.; Patching, J. W. (2001). Deciphering the messages of carbonate mounds: The Porcupine Scientific Drilling Project. J. Conf. Abstr. 6(1): 750, meer
- Henriet, J.-P.; De Mol, B.; Dullo, W.-Chr.; Freiwald, A.; Joergensen, B.B.; Parkes, J.; Patching, J. W. (2000). Modern carbonate mounds on Europe's Margin: Preparing the Porcupine Scientific Drilling Project. Eos, Trans. (Wash. D.C.) 81(48): F627, meer