dhr. Vandenbulcke, Luc |
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Université de Liège; Faculté des Sciences; Département d'Astrophysique, Géophysique et Océanographie; GeoHydrodynamics and Environmental Research group (GHER), meer
Functie: PhD Student
Publicaties (31) |
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A1 publicaties (21) [show] |
Grégoire, M.; Alvera-Azcaráte, A.; Buga, L.; Capet, A.; Constantin, S.; D’Ortenzio, F.; Doxaran, D.; Faugeras, Y.; García-Espriu, A.; Golumbeanu, M.; González-Haro, C.; González-Gambau, V.; Kasprzyk, J.-P.; Ivanov, E.; Mason, E.; Mateescu, R.; Meulders, C.; Olmedo, E.; Pons, L.; Pujol, M.-I.; Sarbu, G.; Turiel, A.; Vandenbulcke, L.; Rio, M.-H. (2023). Monitoring Black Sea environmental changes from space: jnew products for altimetry, ocean colour and salinity. Potentialities and requirements for a dedicated in-situ observing system. Front. Mar. Sci. 9: 998970. https://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2022.998970, meer
Ciliberti, S.A.; Grégoire, M.; Staneva, J.; Palazov, A.; Coppini, G.; Lecci, R.; Peneva, E.; Matreata, M.; Marinova, V.; Masina, S.; Pinardi, N.; Jansen, E.; Lima, L.; Aydogdu, A.; Cretì, S.; Stefanizzi, L.; Azevedo, D.; Causi, S.; Vandenbulcke, L.; Capet, A.; Meulders, C.; Ivanov, E.; Behrens, A.; Ricker, M.; Gayer, G.; Palermo, F.; Ilicak, M.; Gunduz, M.; Valcheva, N.; Agostini, P. (2021). Monitoring and forecasting the ocean state and biogeochemical processes in the Black Sea: recent developments in the Copernicus Marine Service. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 9(10): 1146. https://dx.doi.org/10.3390/jmse9101146, meer
Friedland, R.; Macías, D.; Cossarini, G.; Daewel, U.; Estournel, C.; Garcia-Gorriz, E.; Grizzetti, B.; Grégoire, M.; Gustafson, B.; Kalaroni, S.; Kerimoglu, O.; Lazzari, P.; Lenhart, H.; Lessin, G.; Maljutenko, I.; Miladinova, S.; Müller-Karulis, B.; Neumann, T.; Parn, O.; Pätsch, J.; Piroddi, C.; Raudsepp, U.; Schrum, C.; Stegert, C.; Stips, A.; Tsiaras, K.; Ulses, C.; Vandenbulcke, L. (2021). Effects of nutrient management scenarios on marine eutrophication indicators: a pan-European, multi-model assessment in support of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Front. Mar. Sci. 8: 596126. https://hdl.handle.net/10.3389/fmars.2021.596126, meer
Capet, A.; Vandenbulcke, L.; Grégoire, M. (2020). A new intermittent regime of convective ventilation threatens the Black Sea oxygenation status. Biogeosciences 17(24): 6507-6525. https://hdl.handle.net/10.5194/bg-17-6507-2020, meer
Le Traon, P.-Y.; Reppucci, A.; Fanjul, E.Á.; Aouf, L.; Behrens, A.; Belmonte, M.; Bentamy, A.; Bertino, L.; Brando, V.E.; Kreiner, M.B.; Benkiran, M.; Carval, T.; Ciliberti, S.A.; Claustre, H.; Clementi, E.; Coppini, G.; Cossarini, G.; De Alfonso Alonso-Muñoyerro, M.; Delamarche, A.; Dibarboure, G.; Dinessen, F.; Drevillon, M.; Drillet, Y.; Faugere, Y.; Fernandez, V.; Fleming, A.; Garcia-Hermosa, M.I.; Sotillo, M.G.; Garric, G.; Gasparin, F.; Giordan, C.; Gehlen, M.; Gregoire, M.L.; Guinehut, S.; Hamon, M.; Harris, C.; Hernandez, F.; Hinkler, J.B.; Hoyer, J.; Karvonen, J.; Kay, S.; King, R.; Lavergne, T.; Lemieux-Dudon, B.; Lima, L.; Mao, C.; Martin, M.J.; Masina, S.; Melet, A.; Nardelli, B.B.; Nolan, G.; Pascual, A.; Pistoia, J.; Palazov, A.; Piolle, J.F.; Pujol, M.I.; Pequignet, A.-C.; Peneva, E.; Gómez, B.P.; de la Villeon, L.P.; Pinardi, N.; Pisano, A.; Pouliquen, S.; Reid, R.; Remy, E.; Santoleri, R.; Siddorn, J.; She, J.; Staneva, J.; Stoffelen, A.; Tonani, M.; Vandenbulcke, L.; von Schuckmann, K.; Volpe, G.; Wettre, C.; Zacharioudaki, A. (2019). From observation to information and users: the Copernicus marine service perspective. Front. Mar. Sci. 6: 234. https://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2019.00234, meer
Palazov, A.; Ciliberti, S.; Peneva, E.; Grégoire, M.; Staneva, J.; Lemieux-Dudon, B.; Masina, S.; Pinardi, N.; Vandenbulcke, L.; Behrens, A.; Lima, L.; Coppini, G.; Marinova, V.; Slabakova, V.; Lecci, R.; Cretì, S.; Palermo, F.; Stefanizzi, L.; Valcheva, N.; Agostini, P. (2019). Black Sea Observing System. Front. Mar. Sci. 6: 315. https://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2019.00315, meer
Vandenbulcke, L.; Barth, A. (2019). Upscaling of a local model into a larger-scale model. Ocean Sci. 15(2): 291-305. https://dx.doi.org/10.5194/os-15-291-2019, meer
von Schuckmann, K.; Le Traon, P.-Y.; Smith, N.; Pascual, A.; Brasseur, P.; Fennel, K.; Djavidnia, S.; Aaboe, S.; Fanjul, E.Á.; Autret, E.; Axell, L.; Aznar, R.; Benincasa, M.; Bentamy, A.; Boberg, F.; Bourdalle-Badie, R.; Nardelli, B.B.; Brando, V.E.; Bricaud, C.; Breivik, L.-A.; Brewin, R.J.W.; Capet, A.; Ceschin, A.; Ciliberti, S.; Cossarini, G.; de Alfonso, M.; Collar, A.P.; de Kloe, J.; Deshayes, J.; Desportes, C.; Drevillon, M.; Drillet, Y.; Droghei, R.; Dubois, C.; Embury, O.; Etienne, H.; Fratianni, C.; Lafuente, J.G.; Sotillo, M.G.; Garric, G.; Gasparin, F.; Gerin, R.; Good, S.; Gourrion, J.; Grégoire, M.; Greiner, E.; Guinehut, S.; Gutknecht, E.; Hernandez, F.; Hernandez, O.; Hoyer, J.; Jackson, L.; Jandt, S.; Josey, S.; Juza, M.; Kennedy, J.; Kokkini, Z.; Korres, G.; Kouts, M.; Lagemaa, P.; Lavergne, T.; Le Cann, B.; Legeais, J.-F.; Lemieux-Dudon, B.; Levier, B.; Lien, V.; Maljutenko, I.; Manzano, F.; Marcos, M.; Marinova, V.; Masina, S.; Mauri, E.; Mayer, M.; Melet, A.; Mélin, F.; Meyssignac, B.; Monier, M.; Müller, M.; Mulet, S.; Naranjo, C.; Notarstefano, G.; Paulmier, A.; Pérez Gomez, B.; Pérez Gonzalez, I.; Peneva, E.; Perruche, C.; Peterson, K.A.; Pinardi, N.; Pisano, A.; Pardo, S.; Poulain, P.M.; Raj, R.P.; Raudsepp, U.; Ravdas, M.; Reid, R.; Rio, M.-H.; Salon, S.; Samuelsen, A.; Sammartino, M.; Sammartino, S.; Sandø, A.B.; Santoleri, R.; Sathyendranath, S.; She, J.; Simoncelli, S.; Solidoro, C.; Stoffelen, A.; Storto, A.; Szerkely, T.; Tamm, S.; Tietsche, S.; Tinker, J.; Tintoré, J.; Trindade, A.; van Zanten, D.; Vandenbulcke, L.; Verhoef, A.; Verbrugge, N.; Viktorsson, L.; Wakelin, S.L.; Zacharioudaki, A.; Zuo, H. (2018). Copernicus Marine Service Ocean State Report. J. Oper. Oceangr. 11: S1-S142. https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1755876X.2018.1489208, meer
- Vandenbulcke, L.; Beckers, J.-M.; Barth, A. (2017). Correction of inertial oscillations by assimilation of HF radar data in a model of the Ligurian Sea. Ocean Dynamics 67(1): 117-135. https://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10236-016-1012-5, meer
- Vandenbulcke, L.; Barth, A. (2015). A stochastic operational forecasting system of the Black Sea: technique and validation. Ocean Modelling 93: 7-21. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ocemod.2015.07.010, meer
Barth, A.; Beckers, J.-M.; Troupin, C.; Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Vandenbulcke, L. (2014). divand-1.0: n-dimensional variational data analysis for ocean observations. Geosci. Model Dev. 7(1): 225-241. https://dx.doi.org/10.5194/gmd-7-225-2014, meer
- Alvera-Azcarate, A.; Barth, A.; Weisberg, R.H.; Castaneda, J.J.; Vandenbulcke, L.; Beckers, J.M. (2011). Thermocline characterisation in the Cariaco basin: A modelling study of the thermocline annual variation and its relation with winds and chlorophyll-a concentration. Cont. Shelf Res. 31(1): 73-84. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.csr.2010.11.006, meer
Lenartz, F.; Beckers, J.-M.; Chiggiato, J.; Mourre, B.; Troupin, C.; Vandenbulcke, L.; Rixen, M. (2010). Super-ensemble techniques applied to wave forecast: performance and limitations. Ocean Sci. 6(2): 595-604. dx.doi.org/10.5194/os-6-595-2010, meer
- Lenartz, F.; Mourre, B.; Barth, A.; Beckers, J.-M.; Vandenbulcke, L.; Rixen, M. (2010). Enhanced ocean temperature forecast skills through 3-D super-ensemble multi-model fusion. Geophys. Res. Lett. 37(L19606). dx.doi.org/10.1029/2010GL044591, meer
Vandenbulcke, L.; Capet, A.; Beckers, J.M.; Grégoire, M.; Besiktepe, S. (2010). Onboard implementation of the GHER model for the Black Sea, with SST and CTD data assimilation. J. Oper. Oceangr. 3(2): 47-54, meer
Barth, A.; Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Beckers, J.M.; Weisberg, R.H.; Vandenbulcke, L.; Lenartz, F.; Rixen, M. (2009). Dynamically constrained ensemble perturbations - application to tides on the West Florida Shelf. Ocean Sci. 5(3): 259-270, meer
- Rixen, M.; Book, J.W.; Carta, A.; Grandi, V.; Gualdesi, L.; Stoner, R.; Ranelli, P.; Cavanna, A.; Zanasca, P.; Baldasserini, G.; Trangeled, A.; Lewis, C.; Trees, C.; Grasso, R.; Giannechini, S.; Fabiani, A.; Merani, D.; Berni, A.; Leonard, M.; Martin, P.; Rowley, C.; Hulbert, M.; Quaid, A.; Goode, W.; Preller, R.; Pinardi, N.; Oddo, P.; Guarnieri, A.; Chiggiato, J.; Carniel, S.; Russo, A.; Tudor, M.; Lenartz, F.; Vandenbulcke, L. (2009). Improved ocean prediction skill and reduced uncertainty in the coastal region from multi-model super-ensembles. J. Mar. Syst. 78: S282-S289. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmarsys.2009.01.014, meer
- Vandenbulcke, L.; Beckers, J.M.; Lenartz, F.; Barth, A.; Poulain, P.M.; Aidonidis, M.; Meyrat, J.; Ardhuin, F.; Tonani, M.; Fratianni, C.; Torrisi, L.; Pallela, D.; Chiggiato, J.; Tudor, M.; Book, J.W.; Martin, P.; Peggion, G.; Rixen, M. (2009). Super-ensemble techniques: Application to surface drift prediction. Prog. Oceanogr. 82(3): 149-167. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.pocean.2009.06.002, meer
- Vandenbulcke, L.; Rixen, M.; Beckers, J.M.; Alvera-Azcarate, A.; Barth, A. (2008). An analysis of the error space of a high-resolution implementation of the GHER hydrodynamic model in the Mediterranean Sea. Ocean Modelling 24(1-2): 46-64. dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ocemod.2008.05.007, meer
- Barth, A.; Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Beckers, J.-M.; Rixen, M.; Vandenbulcke, L. (2007). Multigrid state vector for data assimilation in a two-way nested model of the Ligurian Sea. J. Mar. Syst. 65(1-4): 41-59. https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmarsys.2005.07.006, meer
Vandenbulcke, L.; Barth, A.; Rixen, M.; Alvera-Azcárate, A.; Bouallegue, Z.B.; Beckers, J.-M. (2006). Study of the combined effects of data assimilation and grid nesting in ocean models - application to the Gulf of Lions. Ocean Sci. 2: 213-222, meer
Abstracts (7) [show] |
Capet, A.; Mason, E.; Vandenbulcke, L.; Grégoire, M. (2023). Contribution of coastal anticyclones to Black Sea oxygen dynamics, in: EGU General Assembly 2023. Vienna, Austria & Online, 23–28 April 2023. pp. EGU23-17543. https://dx.doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu23-17543, meer
Ivanov, E.; Vandenbulcke, L.; Grégoire, M. (2023). Using a benthic-pelagic coupled hydrobiogeochemical model to assess long-term carbon storage in the sediment of the Southern Bight of the North Sea, in: Mees, J. et al. Book of abstracts – VLIZ Marine Science Day, 1 March 2023, Bruges. VLIZ Special Publication, 90: pp. 64, meer
Vandenbulcke, L.; Lenartz, F.; Beckers, J.-M.; Rixen, M. (2008). A super-ensemble for surface drift prediction, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium, 29 February 2008: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 40: pp. 69, meer
Lenartz, F.; Gobert, S.; Grégoire, M.; Hecq, J.H.; Lepoint, G.; Vandenbulcke, L.; Beckers, J.-M. (2007). 1-D model of the marine ecosystem of the Calvi Bay, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 2 March 2007: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 39: pp. 40, meer
Vandenbulcke, L.; Barth, A.; Alvera Azcarate, A.; Lenartz, F.; Rixen, M.; Beckers, J.-M. (2007). Error analysis of a high-resolution physical model of the Mediterranean Sea, in: Mees, J. et al. (Ed.) VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 2 March 2007: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 39: pp. 66, meer
Alvera Azcárate, A.; Barth, A.; Bouallègue, Z.B.; Vandenbulcke, L.; Rixen, M.; Beckers, J.-M. (2004). Field forecast verification in the Mediterranean Sea: discrete wavelet transforms of an assimilation experiment in a two-way nested model of the Ligurian Sea, in: Mees, J. et al. VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 5 March 2004: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 17: pp. 30, meer
Vandenbulcke, L.; Barth, A.; Alvera-Alcazarate, A.; Bouallegue, Z.B.; Rixen, M.; Beckers, J.-M. (2004). Data assimilation in a nested model of the Gulf of Lions, in: Mees, J. et al. VLIZ Young Scientists' Day, Brugge, Belgium 5 March 2004: book of abstracts. VLIZ Special Publication, 17: pp. 78, meer
Overige publicaties (3) [show] |
- Sirjacobs, D.; Troupin, C.; Alvera, A.; Barth, A.; Ouberdous, M.; Vandenbulcke, L.; Beckers, J.-M. (2009). Weekly satellite sea surface temperature around Corsica, a DINEOF analysis of AVHRR data (1998), foreseeing comparison with interpolated and modelled fields. ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2009. Université de Liège: Nice. 1 poster pp., meer
- Lenartz, F.; Gobert, S.; Goffart, A.; Grégoire, M.; Hecq, J.H.; Lepoint, G.; Raick, C.; Vandenbulcke, L.; Beckers, J.-M. (2007). 1-D model of the marine ecosystem of the Calvi Bay. University of Liège. Geohydrodynamics and Environment Research: Liège. 1 poster pp., meer
- Vandenbulcke, L.; Barth, A.; Alvera Azcarate, A.; Lenartz, F.; Rixen, M.; Beckers, J.-M. (2007). Error analysis of a high-resolution physical model of the Mediterranean Sea. Université de Liège: Liège. 1 poster pp., meer