Publicaties (14) |
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A1 publicaties (8) [show] |
Borja, A.; Elliott, M.; Andersen, J.H.; Berg, T.; Carstensen, J.; Halpern, B.S.; Heiskanen, A.-S.; Korpinen, S.; Stewart Lowndes, J.S.; Martin, G.; Rodriguez-Ezpeleta, N. (2016). Overview of integrative assessment of marine systems: the ecosystem approach in practice. Front. Mar. Sci. 3: 00020., meer
Uusitalo, L.; Blanchet, H.; Andersen, J.H.; Beauchard, O.; Berg, T.; Bianchelli, S.; Cantafaro, A.; Carstensen, J.; Carugati, L.; Cochrane, S.; Danovaro, R.; Heiskanen, A.-S.; Karvinen, V.; Moncheva, S.; Murray, C.; Neto, J.M.; Nygård, H.; Pantazi, M.; Papadopoulou, N.; Simboura, N.; Srebaliene, G.; Uyarra, M.C.; Borja, A. (2016). Indicator-based assessment of marine biological diversity–lessons from 10 case studies across the European seas. Front. Mar. Sci. 3: 1-21., meer
- Borja, A.; Elliott, M.; Andersen, J.H.; Cardoso, A.C.; Carstensen, J.; Ferreira, J.G.; Heiskanen, A.-S.; Marques, J.C.; Neto, J.M.; Teixeira, H.; Uusitalo, L.; Uyarra, M.C.; Zampoukas, N. (2013). Good Environmental Status of marine ecosystems: What is it and how do we know when we have attained it? Mar. Pollut. Bull. 76(1-2): 16-27., meer
- Ferreira, J.G.; Andersen, J.H.; Borja, A.; Bricker, S.B.; Camp, J.; Cardoso da Silva, M.; Garcés, E.; Heiskanen, A.-S.; Humborg, C.; Ignatiades, L.; Lancelot, C.; Menesguen, A.; Tett, P.; Hoepffner, N.; Claussen, U. (2011). Overview of eutrophication indicators to assess environmental status within the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Est., Coast. and Shelf Sci. 93(2): 117-131., meer
- Borja, A.; Elliott, M.; Carstensen, J.; Heiskanen, A.-S.; van de Bund, W.J. (2010). Marine management – Towards an integrated implementation of the European Marine Strategy Framework and the Water Framework Directives. Mar. Pollut. Bull. 60(2): 2175-2186., meer
- Hering, D.; Borja, A.; Carstensen, J.; Carvalho, L.; Elliott, M.; Feld, C.K.; Heiskanen, A.-S.; Johnson, R.K.; Moe, J.; Pont, D.; Solheim, A.L.; van de Bund, W. (2010). The European Water Framework Directive at the age of 10: a critical review of the achievements with recommendations for the future. Sci. Total Environ. 408(19): 4007-4019., meer
- Heiskanen, A.-S.; Gran, V.; Lehtoranta, J.; Pitkänen, H. (1999). Fate of nutrients (N, P) along the estuarine gradient of the River Neva in the eastern Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea (extended abstract). ICES J. Mar. Sci./J. Cons. int. Explor. Mer 56(Suppl.): 161-164, meer
- Tallberg, P.; Heiskanen, A.-S. (1998). Species-specific phytoplankton sedimentation in relation to primary production along an inshore - offshore gradient in the Baltic Sea. J. Plankton Res. 20(11): 2053-2070, meer
Peer reviewed publicatie [show] |
- Blomqvist, S.; Heiskanen, A.-S. (2001). The challenge of sedimentation in the Baltic Sea, in: Wulff, F.V. et al. (Ed.) A systems analysis of the Baltic Sea. Ecological Studies, 148: pp. 211-227, meer
Boek [show] |
- Floderus, S.; Heiskanen, A.-S.; Olesen, M.; Wassmann, P. (Ed.) (1995). Sediment trap studies in the Nordic countries: Symposium proceedings Marine Biological Laboratory, Helsingor, Denmark, 21-26 January 1994. Finnish Environment Agency: Helsinki. 221 pp., meer
Boekhoofdstuk [show] |
- Voss, M.; Liskow, I.; Elmgren, R.; Rolff, C.; Heiskanen, A.-S.; Kuuppo, P.; Pastuszak, M.; Schulte, U.; Stegemann, C. (2003). Significance of anthropogenic nitrogen for the central Baltic Sea N-cycling (SIGNAL) (a study by means of stable isotopes, δ 15N, δ 13C and δ 18O), in: Caumette, P. et al. The impact of human activities on the marine environment quality and health: the EC impacts cluster: Proceedings of the first workshop (February 2002, Pau, France). pp. 101-115, meer
Rapporten (2) [show] |
Teixeira, H.; Berg, T.; Fürhaupter, K.; Uusitalo, L.; Papadopoulou, N.; Bizsel, K.C.; Cochrane, S.; Churilova, T.; Heiskanen, A.-S.; Uyarra, M.C.; Zampoukas, N.; Borja, A.; Akcali, B.; Andersen, J.H.; Beauchard, O.; Berzano, M.; Bizsel, N.; Bucas, M.; Camp, J.; Carvalho, S.; Flo, E.; Garcés, E.; Herman, P.M.J.; Katsanevakis, S.; Kavcioglu, R.; Krause-Jensen, D.; Kryvenko, O.; Lynam, C.P.; Mazik, K.; Moncheva, S.; Neville, S.; Ozaydinli, M.; Pantazi, M.; Patricio, J.; Piroddi, C.; Queirós, A.M.; Ramsvatn, S.; Rodríguez, J.G.; Rodriguez-Ezpeleta, N.; Smith, C.; Stefanova, K.; Tempera, F.; Vassilopoulou, V.; Verissimo, H.; Yilmaz, E.C.; Zaiko, A.; Zenetos, A. (2014). Existing biodiversity, non-indigenious species, food-web and seafloor integrity GEnS indicators. DEVOTES FP7 Project. [S.n.]: [s.l.]. 198 pp., meer
- Ferreira, J.G.; Andersen, J.H.; Borja, A.; Bricker, S.B.; Camp, J.; Cardoso da Silva, M.; Heiskanen, A.-S.; Humborg, C.; Ignatiades, L.; Lancelot, C.; Menesguen, A.; Tett, P.; Hoepffner, N.; Claussen, U. (2010). Marine Strategy Framework Directive Task Group 5 Report: Eutrophication. JRC Scientific and Technical Reports. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities: Luxembourg. ISBN 978-92-79-15651-9. 49 pp., meer
Overige publicatie [show] |
Jernberg, S.; Nygård, H.; Aunins, A.; Lappalainen, A.; Heiskanen, A.-S.; Olsson, J.; Kauppila, P.; Korpinen, S.; Kostamo, K.; Uusitalo, L. (2019). A retrospective assessment of marine biodiversity: A critical analysis of integration and aggregation rules. Socio-Environmental Systems Modeling 1: 16128., meer