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Energy saving in fisheries

Identifier financieringsorganisatie: SI2.477247 (Other contract id)
Acroniem: ESIF
Periode: Oktober 2007 tot November 2008
Status: Afgelopen

Instituten (4)  Top 
  • Onderzoeksdomein Visserij, meer, coördinator
  • Europese Commissie (EC), meer, financier
  • Wageningen University and Research Centre; Institute for Marine Resources and Ecosystem Studies (IMARES), meer
  • European Commission; Directorate-General for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs, meer, financier

The study will require the realisation of four different albeit intimately associated tasks:
· compilation of the existing knowledge on energy consumption and energy efficiency on
board fishing vessels,

  • collection of new, detailed information by fishery (métier) and by type of vessel
  • compilation of current technological solutions to improve energy efficiency
  • analysis of the information gathered, so as to provide fishing operators with a guide to
    assess the practical consequences, especially the economic ones, of adopting different
    alternatives to increase energy efficiency.

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