In Situ pore water pressure measurements for the construction of the breakwaters of the new outer harbour at Zeebrugge
De Wolf, P.; Carpentier, R.; Boullart, L.; Verdonck, W.; De Rouck, J.; De Voghel, J. (1983). In Situ pore water pressure measurements for the construction of the breakwaters of the new outer harbour at Zeebrugge, in: 8th International Harbour Congress, Antwerp, 13-17.6.1983: preprints. pp. 1.203-1.215
In: (1983). 8th International Harbour Congress, Antwerp, 13-17.6.1983: preprints. Koninklijke Vlaamse Ingenieursvereniging (KVIV): Antwerpen. different pagination pp., meer