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Ostracods, rock facies and magnetic susceptibility of the Hanonet Formation / Trois-Fontaines Formation boundary interval (Early Givetian) at the Mont d’Haurs (Givet, France)
Casier, J.-G.; Devleeschouwer, X.; Petitclerc, E.; Préat, A. (2011). Ostracods, rock facies and magnetic susceptibility of the Hanonet Formation / Trois-Fontaines Formation boundary interval (Early Givetian) at the Mont d’Haurs (Givet, France). Bull. Kon. Belg. Inst. Natuurwet. Aardwet. = Bull. - Inst. r. sci. nat. Belg., Sci. Terre 81: 63-96
In: Bulletin van het Koninklijk Belgisch Instituut voor Natuurwetenschappen. Aardwetenschappen = Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique. Sciences de la Terre. KBIN: Brussel. ISSN 0374-6291, meer
Peer reviewed article  

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Documenttype: Wetenschappelijk rapport

    Geological time > Phanerozoic > Paleozoic > Palaeozoic > Devonian > Devonian, Middle > Eifelian
    Ostracoda [WoRMS]
    France, Champagne [Marine Regions]
Author keywords
    Ostracods, Sedimentology, Paleoecology, Magnetic susceptibility, Early Givetian, Dinant Synclinorium, Ardennes, France

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  • Casier, J.-G., meer
  • Devleeschouwer, X., meer
  • Petitclerc, E., meer
  • Préat, A., meer

    Approximately 870 carapaces, valves and fragments of ostracods were extracted from 26 samples collected in the Hanonet Formation (= Fm) and Trois-Fontaines Fm in a section located along the southwestern rampart of the historically entrenched military camp at the Mont d’Haurs (Givet, France). Forty-eight species belonging to the Eifelian Mega-Assemblage have been identified and three new are proposed: Coryellina? audiarti nov. sp., Cavellina haursensis nov. sp. and Parabolbinella coeni nov. sp. The ostracod assemblages are generally indicative of shallow marine well-oxygenated environments, except at the base of the Trois-Fontaines Fm where ostracods indicative of semi-restricted and even of lagoonal water conditions are reported.The sedimentary record represents a transition from mixed siliciclastic-carbonate open-marine ramp system to restricted carbonate platform with deposition in low-energy peritidal and lagoonal settings frequently affected by subaerial exposition. A general trend follows a shallowing-upward and a relative sea-level decrease from the Hanonet Fm toward the Trois-Fontaines Fm.High-energy characterized the ramp setting and destroyed most of the stromatoporoid and coral buildups, which occur as floatstone and rudstone accumulations forming a thick biostrome. Girvanella and issinellid shoals developed also in this high-energy environment. The low-field magnetic susceptibility (=MS) log plotted against the lithological column reveals four magnetic sequences. The MS log and microfacies are moderately correlated mainly due to the evolution of sedimentary environments from a ramp to a platform. The MS values of the Trois-Fontaines Fm are very low in the biostromal unit whereas restricted lagoonal facies are characterized by the highest values of MS. A high-resolution stratigraphic correlative pattern is proposed here between the Mont d’Haurs section and the 40 km distant Baileux section despite the greater thickness. The MS signal is strongly controlled by minerals of ferromagnetic characteristics with a minor contribution of paramagnetic phases. The lagoonal sediments of the Trois-Fontaines Fm are characterized also by the highest values of normalized viscosity coefficient and a IRM loss. These results confirm the occurrence of a significantly high proportion of ultrafine magnetic grains which may be formed during diagenesis by chemical remanent magnetization processes.The list of the Givetian ostracods figured by Coen (1985) and recently lodged at the Department of Paleontology at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences is reported in annex with new inventory numbers.

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