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Functional morphology of feeding and grooming in Crustacea
Felgenhauer, B.E.; Watling, L.; Thistle, A.B. (Ed.) (1989). Functional morphology of feeding and grooming in Crustacea. Crustacean Issues, 6. A.A. Balkema: Rotterdam. ISBN 90 6191 777 8. 225 pp.
Deel van: Schram, F.R. (Ed.) Crustacean Issues = Advances in Crustacean Research. Balkema/CRC Press/Taylor & Francis: Rotterdam. ISSN 0168-6356; e-ISSN 2155-5397, meer

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    VLIZ: Crustacea [102300]

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  • Felgenhauer, B.E., redacteur
  • Watling, L., redacteur, meer
  • Thistle, A.B., redacteur

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