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one publication added to basket [294683] |
Bank effects for KVLCC2
In: Journal of Marine Science and Technology. Springer: Tokyo. ISSN 0948-4280; e-ISSN 1437-8213
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Author keywords |
Ship–bank interaction; KVLCC2; RANS |
Auteurs | | Top |
- Van Hoydonck, W., meer
- Toxopeus, S.
- Eloot, K., meer
- Bhawsinka, K.
- Queutey, P.
- Visonneau, M.
Abstract |
A study is presented on ship–bank interaction effects in which viscous-flow solvers are used to predict the hydrodynamic forces and moments on the ship. The ship under consideration is the KRISO Very Large Crude Carrier (KVLCC2). For this hull form, Flanders Hydraulics Research (FHR) has conducted shallow water model tests in their towing tank equipped with surface-piercing banks and a vertical quay wall. The forces and moments on the KVLCC2 model were obtained for various water depths and lateral distances to the banks. Additionally, the wave elevation was measured between the quay wall and the ship model. In this study, two different CFD codes are used to predict the loads on the KVLCC2 as a function of the water depth and lateral position in the channel. The effect of propeller suction and free surface modelling on the results is quantified. Furthermore, comparisons will be made with CFD results from literature and potential flow computations to highlight the benefits of each approach. It will be shown that with careful setup of the computations, reliable predictions of the ship–bank interaction effects can be obtained. |
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