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Ontwikkeling iFlow-versie met realistische geometrieën (3D) |
Identifier financieringsorganisatie: WL 20_007 (Other contract id) Hoofdfinancieringscodes: 5114 - Departement Mobiliteit en Openbare werken Periode: Februari 2020 tot Januari 2025 Status: Afgelopen Thesaurustermen Estuaria; Getijden; Hydrodynamica; Hydrodynamica; Hydrodynamics; Kust- en estuariene hydraulica; Numerical models; Numerieke modellering en design; Sedimentologie; Sedimenttransport; Waterbewegingen; Zoutgehalte |
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Abstract |
The overarching research aim is to gain understanding of the three-dimensional physical mechanisms resulting in the trapping of fine sediments in tidal estuaries such as the Scheldt and Ems estuary, and the typical timescales at which sediment is imported to evolve to previously found equilibria after mud extraction. 1. To analyze the water motion in a three-dimensional idealized model, and assess the sensitivity of the water motion to geometry and roughness formulation (including a comparison with the results concerning the water motion obtain by Steven Kaptein using the width-averaged version of iFlow). The three-dimensional formulation will be included in the existing iFlow modeling structure (grid generation, Finite Element solution method, analysis method). To answer these research questions, a three-dimensional idealized model that resolves the water motion, sediment transport and trapping, will be developed by extending the model of Kumar et al. (2017) to include |
Publicaties (2) | Top | Instituten |
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