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Interaction forces in tug operations Geerts, S.; Vantorre, M.; Eloot, K.; Huijsmans, R.; Fierens, N. (2011). Interaction forces in tug operations, in: Pettersen, B. et al. (Ed.) 2nd International Conference on Ship Manoeuvring in Shallow and Confined Water: Ship to Ship Interaction, May 18 - 20, 2011, Trondheim, Norway. pp. 153-164
In: Pettersen, B. et al. (2011). 2nd International Conference on Ship Manoeuvring in Shallow and Confined Water: Ship to Ship Interaction, May 18 - 20, 2011, Trondheim, Norway. Flanders Hydraulics Research/Ghent University/Norwegian Marine Technology Research Institute/Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)/The Royal Institute of Naval Architects: London. ISBN 978-1-905040-83-4. X, 422 pp., meer
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Documenttype: Congresbijdrage |
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Harbours and waterways > Manoeuvring behaviour > Ship-to-ship interaction Interactions Physical modelling |
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Abstract |
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