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Stroomatlas sluis van Wintam: deelrapport 1. Numeriek 2D model Maximova, T.; Vanlede, J.; Verwilligen, J.; De Maerschalck, B.; Verwaest, T.; Mostaert, F. (2014). Stroomatlas sluis van Wintam: deelrapport 1. Numeriek 2D model. Versie 4.0. WL Rapporten, 12_101. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium: Antwerpen. VIII, 53 + 70 p. bijlagen pp.
Deel van: WL Rapporten. Waterbouwkundig Laboratorium: Antwerpen.
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Documenttype: Projectrapport |
Trefwoorden |
Hydraulics and sediment > Hydrodynamics > Tides Numerical modelling Numerical models België, Rupel R., Wintam [Marine Regions] |
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Abstract |
The detailed model is developed in the TELEMAC software. The use of an unstructured grid in TELEMAC allows a local grid refinement in the study area and results in an accurate representation of the quay walls in the model. The model is calibrated based on the available water level, velocity and discharge measurements. The calibrated model will be used to calculate the flow atlas for the study area. This atlas will present the flood and ebb velocities that are important for vessels. |
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