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Complex project: Extra containerbehandelingscapaciteit in het havengebied Antwerpen: deelrapport 3. Geïntegreerd onderzoek – deel nautica: simulatiestudie voor emergencies ter hoogte van Duplexdok en Deurganckdok Eloot, K.; Verwilligen, J. (2023). Complex project: Extra containerbehandelingscapaciteit in het havengebied Antwerpen: deelrapport 3. Geïntegreerd onderzoek – deel nautica: simulatiestudie voor emergencies ter hoogte van Duplexdok en Deurganckdok. Version 5.0. FH reports, 21_043_3. Flanders Hydraulics: Antwerp. VII, 38 + 44 p.app. pp. https://dx.doi.org/10.48607/167
Deel van: FH reports. Flanders Hydraulics: Antwerp. , meer
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Documenttype: Projectrapport |
Trefwoorden |
Emergencies Harbours and waterways > Manoeuvring behaviour > Bank effects Harbours and waterways > Ship motion > Fairway and harbour design Simulations België, Zeeschelde, Haven van Antwerpen, Deurganckdok [Marine Regions] |
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Opdrachtgever: Port of Antwerp-Bruges
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Abstract |
For the wind related emergencies wind conditions above the actually allowed limit (6 Bft for inbound, 7 Bft for outbound manoeuvres to the terminals) showed that safe manoeuvring is still possible and that the availability of different headings of the docks (Duplex and Deurganck) gives the opportunity to bring the ship bow into the wind. Some measures or further investigations are also proposed. For the tug failure emergencies the key question is if sufficient tug assistance remains for compensating wind (or current) effects. Outbound head out manoeuvres without tugs, starting in Duplex dock, were possible up to 4 Bft wind class in case of emergency with increased risk on damage (e.g. ship’s stern contact with quay at departure). One outbound blackout emergency showed that at 5 Bft wind class with two 80 tons tugs, the departure could be successful realized. The conclusion is that the 2022 design of Duplex dock, in connection with Deurganck dock, gives possibilities to overcome emergency situations due to different causes. Measures or investigations can still be made on fendering of the northern wall of Duplex dock at entrance, higher power of tugs (e.g. 85 tons) and remote assistance of the captain and crew by the pilotage or the availability of a PPU on the ship’s bridge |
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